Monday 14 July 2014

Le 14 juillet, un jour férié...

Fishing next to Versailles palace
Today is Bastille Day, the French national day. This old postcard which came courtesy of a member of a Facebook group VDP belongs to depicts a scene that VDP imagines could have been on Bastille Day a while back... France's National Day is a holiday since 1880 and in a way, VDP thought this was a fitting image for today as people fish in the Swiss lake beneath the palace which itself looms above the orangerie... Note the 100 steps staircase in both shots below. VDP has seen some contemporary fishing in the lake though naturally not last Saturday when she stupidly forgot to have a better look at the old postcard and therefore failing in getting the view right... There is one big difference, can you spot it?

Cette carte postale ancienne, que VDP doit à l'un des membres d'un groupe Facebook dont elle fait partie, montre une scène qui aurait pu être prise le 14 juillet... il y a un certain temps... La fête nationale est un jour férié depuis 1880 et VDP imagine que cette photo aurait pu être prise un 14 juillet ! Ce que vous voyez ici, c'est la pêche dans la pièce d'eau des Suisses, surplombée par l'orangerie elle-même surplombée par le château et vous noterez l'escalier des 100 marches sur les deux photos ci-dessous. VDP y voit parfois des pêcheurs mais a bêtement pris la photo ci-dessous sans vérifier qu'elle se trouvait au bon endroit pour choper la même vue et évidemment, point de pêcheur samedi. Il y a une grosse différence, vous la voyez ?
Versailles palace château orangerie swiss lake
Versailles château palace 110 steps


  1. Incredibly grand views, and I do like the postcard. Enjoy the day, Ciel!

  2. Great, I love seeing old and new pictures together, looks like a fantastic building and a really nice lake. Have a great day.

  3. Strange that there is nobody there fishing like in the old days. You need to find a pole and give it a try!

  4. I'm not sure what the difference is other than the wall around the water in your new pic. It's a great view, Ciel!

  5. Such an amazing piece of architecture.

  6. and also something thats very important on this day have a Frenchman in the maillot jeune.

  7. Great & old....bonne fête !

  8. I hope you have a wonderful day, Ciel!

  9. The only difference I see is the wall. I just love that old picture!

  10. I love comparisons between the old and the new. Your shots are terrific.

  11. I love the comparison between the old post card and the recent photos. Is that wall around the water the new thing?

  12. I don't see the difference, but I love "old and new" posts. It's interesting to see how things change. Here I'd say it hasn't!

  13. Is the difference the large building with all the chimney pots on the far side of the 100 Step staircase?

  14. Wishing you a wonderful day!

  15. Oh no! I've been studying the shots for ages.. I give up but you have to tell us the answer :) Happy 14th July Ciel,have fun on your day off!

  16. Anonymous14/7/14 17:05

    Always fascinating to compare then and now photographs!

  17. hope you had a wonderful day! i love the old postcard!

  18. It's the second 14 juillet I miss in two years, I am not used to this!

  19. Happy Bastille Day! The colors are so beautiful in your shot. I love that you included the 100 steps.

  20. Magnificent then and now.
    Happy 14th of July, VDP! I watched your big parade in Paris via France 24 on Israel cable TV. Wow! Super

  21. It is fun seeing the old and new scenes. There were many more fishermen in the past.

  22. Wonderful shots! Hope you had a great Bastille Day.

  23. I love old postcards and this one is a gem. Answer(s): the stone wall around the lake, or, the fishermen !

  24. Ok, perhaps the difference wasn't THAT big! It is the wall around the lake.


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Merci de votre visite très appréciée et de laisser une pensée ! Désolée de devoir modérer vos commentaires, VDP en a un peu marre des spammeurs en ce moment !