Friday 4 July 2014

John D. Rockefeller Jr

John Rockefeller Versailles château
John Rockefeller Versailles château
 This plaque which is located inside the palace, reminds us all that without John D. Rockefeller Jr's generosity, the palace might not be quite as beautiful today... Pictured above, the Rockefellers father and son in 1915. Happy 4th of July to all American readers of VDP!

En ce 4 juillet, fête nationale américaine, il a semblé opportun à VDP de rappeler, à l'aide de cette plaque qui se situe dans le château, que ce dernier ne serait peut-être pas aujourd'hui aussi beau si John D. Rockefeller Jr n'avait pas été aussi généreux. Ci-dessus, les Rockefeller père et fils en 1915.


  1. I had no idea. Louis would have been grateful. :-)

  2. de grands mécènes cette famille.

  3. Thank you for the wishes. Have you ever seen the 'men who built america' series? Here's a link, I found it fascinating.

  4. In terms of his philantrophy, the first thing that comes to mind for me is the resources he put into helping along national parks in the United States.

  5. It only takes a visit to Yorktown for one to thank the French!

  6. A very philanthropic family!

  7. I had no idea about this either! Wonderful, Ciel!

  8. Thanks for the happy thoughts. I will not go insane. that was a slogan years ago meaning to not go crazy with fireworks. I think.
    we are going to Neah Bay camping. We hope to visit the Makah Museum. We will be on Makah land. MB

  9. Addendum: This will be next week. Tomorrow we are going to a rodeo and logging show. Kylee is riding. MB

  10. More:
    Makah tribes:

  11. I too did not know of this connection. A fascinating post.

  12. Anonymous4/7/14 09:45

    The old photo of them walking together is fantastic!

  13. Well, another feather in the Rockefeller cap!

  14. Il vaut mieux se souvenir de ce cote la de l'histoire...
    Happy Fourth of July a ceux qui passent par ici et qui sont concernes.

  15. A perfect post for the 4th of July!

  16. 1915, Dad born that year.

  17. I didn't know this about Rockefeller. Good for him. However, here I am sitting on the Champ de Mars waiting for the 4th of July fireworks. I wonder when they start and why no one else is waiting.

  18. I didn't know that Rockefeller contributed to the palace. I've learned something new today!

  19. interesting...what a great family...he also had a hand in colonial williamsburg
    i'm going to have to read up on them.

  20. oh and thanks for that video, i was rolling, so funny!

  21. Interesting post Ciel.. father and son made a striking pair n'est pas !

  22. I knew the Rockefellers were philanthropists but I didn't know that they helped restore the palace.

    Very interesting. I agree with Wayne about the 'men who built america' series.

  23. I didn't know about his contributions to Versailles. Last summer I visited the Rockefeller home on the Hudson River in New York State. In the garage (so huge that "garage" is hopelessly inadequate to describe it) there was an exhibition of places that the Rockefeller family turned into national parks or made other major preservation investments in. Grand Tetons. Yosemite. St. John in the Virgin Islands. Colonial Williamsburg. Great Smoky Mountains. Acadia (Mount Desert Island). And more that I can't remember. His wealth was almost matched by his philanthropy.

  24. Thanks for the good wishes & for the interesting information !

  25. Amazing how Rockefeller money was spread around for the public good.


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