Saturday 19 April 2014

Notre-Dame vue du bassin de Neptune

Standing almost at the same place as for yesterday's picture, here's the view of Notre-Dame de Versailles church from Neptune's basin in the palace gardens, with the dragon's gate in the middle.

Prise presque du même endroit que la photo d'hier, voici la vue de l'église Notre-Dame de Versailles depuis le bassin de Neptune dans les jardins du château, avec la grille du dragon.


  1. The gate is quite dramatic. And the church is remarkable from this perspective.

  2. I do agree with William and it's a terrific capture as always, Ciel! Enjoy your weekend!!

  3. Very nice! I like seeing the shadows again.

  4. I like that light or do I like the shadow more? It works though!

  5. I love the gates and it so nice to see so many people out and about, Ciel!

  6. I think it's interesting to look at fine Christian architecture from a view over a pseudo-pagan classical pool. So many ideas going on.

  7. What a view. Makes me wish I were there.

  8. You just turned a bit and got another magnificent image. I do like the reflections in the previous post. MB

  9. Une bonne idee de prendre plusieurs photo a partir du meme point. Ici on voit la richesse de notre passe.

  10. Now I understand better where you were, and it is another great view. Not much sun here, I hope it will get better for the end of the week...

  11. Le petit peu de flou donne a ta photo un cote romantique tres sympa

  12. I like the shape of the church's dome. Nice shot!

  13. wonderful and i like the scattering of people adding color!

  14. How wonderful to sit here on a warm afternoon, surrounded by so much history. I often wonder if people become immune to their everyday surroundings?

  15. An amazing display of grandeur. Nice to see everyone enjoying the sun.


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