Sunday 13 April 2014

Aux puces de Saint-Louis, II et fin

Just a few more shots of Saint-Louis neighbourhood's flea market... What would you have bought?

Qu'y auriez-vous acheté ? Les autres photos sont par ici.


  1. I like the old cameras, some ancient box cameras there, I started taking photos with those, I miss film in some ways but I accomplish so much more with digital.

  2. oooh ahhhh
    so many beautiful photos of treasures!

  3. Ah, probably some things from the first picture -- you know me, silly old broad that I am!! Fun pics as always, Ciel! Hope your weekend is going well!

  4. Since I am trying to downsize, I would not have bought anything BUT I would have taken lots of photos!!

  5. That's a wonderfully eclectic mix, Ciel!

  6. I would probably just enjoy wandering through it, looking at stuff. These days I have so much stuff, I don't lust after much more.

  7. I would have been in trouble there.

  8. I would have bought EVERYTHING!!

  9. I probably wouldn't have bought any of those cameras but I definitely would have admired them... and, like you, taken their image to bring home.

  10. So many nice things here... :)

  11. I usually see a lot, enjoy myself, and buy nothing!

  12. Like many here, I would have given that camera table a LONG look.

  13. Because I carry such a small suitcase these days, I'm afraid I would just be looking.

  14. Anonymous13/4/14 18:25

    A bargain hunters paradise!

  15. Hmmm. I might grab that box camera in the background of the top shot. Nice shots as always. Your flea market appears to be much more 'civilized' than ours in regard to product staging. Makes you want to buy something.

  16. I would be checking out that wooden horse for sure!

  17. I think I would have bought the colourful table and chairs for our yard.

  18. La petite chaise rouge en paille peut-etre? Mais regarder me suffirait amplement.

  19. Walking a flea market is one of my favorite things to do. You never know what treasure will present itself. How did I not know that Versailles has a flea market? What an oversight on my part.

  20. Would probably have been one of the quilt covers Ciel.. the blue white and yellow is really appealing oui!


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