Saturday 1 March 2014

March City Daily Photo Theme Day: people on the street

People on the street: a huge challenge for VDP with the privacy issues in this country! Last Sunday morning the weather was perfect to enjoy the hustle and bustle of the big Sunday market in and around Notre-Dame covered market. Here are campaigners from three of the four parties present that morning. The French municipal elections are coming up soon, hence these scenes. More (scrumptious) market scenes to come soon, happy March everyone! To view thumbnails for all participants in this month's theme, click here!

Les gens dans la rue : c'est le thème du mois de mars dans la communauté des blogueurs City Daily Photo. Dur, dur pour VDP qui n'aime pas trop photographier des personnes à la volée... Dimanche matin, le temps était idéal pour aller faire un tour au marché Notre-Dame et comme les élections municipales approchent, voici la campagne électorale qui bat son plein ! Voici des membres de trois des quatre listes présentes dimanche. D'autres photos du marché sont à venir, bon mois de mars à vous toutes et tous ! Pour voir les autres interprétations du thème, c'est par ici.


  1. You did very well with this theme considering the privacy constrictions in France!

  2. Election campaign, great chance to photograph people. If they are in public places, is there really any consideration about privacy?

  3. From what I recall, there's hardly even a time when people are not out in the streets - at least in Paris. :)

    Nice, colorful shots.

    Just thinking but when I was there I took all kinds of pictures of people and never gave a thought to privacy issues. Generally, in this country, if you're out in public, you're fair game.

  4. I never feel comfortable taking pics of people on the street for privacy reasons I guess but you have done a good job here without invading that private space.

  5. You made it with hardly any likelihood of being thrown in jail. Good for you, Ciel!

  6. I find it perplexing to cite privacy considerations on a public street. Good takes on the theme, Ciel!

  7. I know that France is stricter about photos on the street but I love shooting them and guess they will have to come to Birmingham AL and find me! :)


  8. Nicely done despite the privacy laws! (Darn, why am I about to head out of town just as you're queuing up something scrumptious:)

  9. challenging but you did well!

  10. Nice choice for Theme Day.

  11. Un bel echantillon. Des elections d'importance.

  12. Well no matter what--ya did good. Nice colorful shots. MB

  13. The campaigners are out for the Friday and Sunday markets here. The election cycle is so much more pleasant here than what I have known before. Ah well. Nice theme day shots !

  14. Anonymous1/3/14 09:42

    Happy March, and St David's Day!

  15. Excellent series of shots for the theme Ciel.. I see red, whit and blue here, what is the colour of the fourth group ?

  16. I did not know about the privacy laws implicated by street photography.

  17. I always say, if you are in public you are 'fair game' for my lens. Don't like it? Head back indoors. hahahahahaha

  18. Oh, in this case you can catch them freely! We also have municipal elections coming...

  19. Sorry folks, I don't want to live in a cloister but my image belongs to me and me alone.

  20. You’ve made a great Theme Day post. I'm glad you got to take this photo for today. Thanks for the informative text.

  21. I was wondering how you were going to pull this off, well done! It looks like it was a nice day.

  22. That framing on an angle is a great creative touch. Love all the is plenty busy :).

  23. Glad you could sneak these photos out of the public square.

  24. Nice street scenes! I also don't like to show shots where people can be recognized. I'm sure you've always got plenty of crowds in Versailles though. :)


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