Thursday 20 March 2014

Les régates de Versailles

Last Sunday, Versailles' Nautical Club was organising 'les régates de Versailles', a big, big rowing competition with over 1000 rowers and 35 clubs that lasted all afternoon! The event was held on the 1.2 miles long Grand Canal at the palace, in gorgeously perfect weather!

Dimanche dernier, le Cercle Nautique de Versailles organisait les "régates de Versailles", une compétition d'aviron, avec plus de 1000 rameurs et 35 clubs. L'événement a duré tout l'après-midi sur le Grand Canal au château, d'une longueur d'1,8 km, par un temps splendide !
Some were disappointed but for the crowd cheering on and the tourists, the ice-cream oldsmobile did well!

Le dépit pour certains, pendant ce temps les spectateurs et les touristes ont profité des glaces qui sont parties comme des petits pains !


  1. Nice photos and color, should be someone painting some of those scenes!

  2. Beautiful captures for the day, Ciel!! You can feel the excitement and the disappointment!! Terrific!!

  3. What a setting for these races. Isn't it fun visiting events like this with a camera in hand?

  4. What a great scene and setting for these competitions!

  5. Looks like a grand party. Fabulous shots of the rowers - such great colors. What a fine day you had for this event. And that ice cream truck takes the cake, so to speak. Looks like something from the 1920s! Love it!

  6. What a beautiful day for watching the races! The ice cream oldsmobile is just 'icing' on the cake.

  7. That would be fun to watch. Never realized the canal was so long.

  8. Dynamic shots, Ciel! And that car is something else!

  9. Je peux bien m'imaginer que des regates le long du canal doivent offrir un reel plaisir pour la vue. Ta premiere photo l'atteste.

  10. What a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

  11. Oh what fun and some great shots.
    Rowing was not something I was expecting to see at VDP.

  12. wonderful photos! i love the one of the girl holding her friend's hand...and that ice cream oldsmobile is awesome!

  13. Looks like a good workout.

  14. Perfect timing for these photos. I'm almost through a mystery novel that takes place around the world of rowing. Rowing teams, rowing clubs and casual and professional rowers. Now I have pictures to go with the words I'm reading.

  15. Well I don't think backgrounds come much more fabulous than this Ciel. Used to love watching the Henley regatta when we lived in England. Perfect spring day activities :)

  16. P.s. That's the coolest ice cream truck ever :)

  17. I see Livorno and Versailles have something in common, but our season is still far away...

  18. Anonymous20/3/14 16:01

    Good that the weather was perfect, looks like a great event!

  19. El mundo es una carrera perpetua...


  20. You have captured the event beautifully - the colors, the excitement, and the emotions. Bravo!

  21. Great shot on top and what a background on the second.

  22. Amazing article Ciel, your pictures are great and I would love to be there in this event, beautiful sunny day, beautiful people, everything to be perfect indeed!

  23. Beautiful action photos, Ciel, except the last one! :)
    That photo is, even without action, wonderful!

  24. It's so wonderful to watch rowers in action! Great shots.

  25. wonderful photos of a beautiful day.

  26. Super pics. Look at the nice arms and shoulders on those guys. MMMM
    Love the way you caught the sparkle on the water. What a fun event to attend. MB

  27. Anonymous24/3/14 19:05

    All I can think of is, it was warm enough for that?! If so, I'm moving! :-D

    I LOVE the ice cream truck!



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