Thursday 6 March 2014

En allant au marché

Going to and from Notre-Dame market with the little carts that I had shown you here. Oh and here too!


  1. I do love mine!! Since I no longer have a car, it makes shopping SO much easier!! Love your shots of them! But I have to admit, they're a lot more colorful than mine is!!!

  2. A necessity in the city!

  3. We used these for shopping in the neighborhood in Queens where I grew up. Everyone walked to stores. No one walks anywhere out here.

  4. Nice sense of movement.

  5. avec ce zooming , tes photos ont un peps d'enfer. bien vu

  6. I like the treatment you did to the first shot. carts. I want a pink on too. MB Cute

  7. Yes I also like your zooming effect... it gives the photos some dynamics.

  8. I have seen them in use in other countries. Here there are mainly old ladies who use them, and they are not as colorful and smart as the modern southern European style:)

  9. Anonymous6/3/14 10:01

    Real dynamism here, all that sense of 'motion' makes me feel a little dizzy ;-)

  10. those wouldn't really work well here since you HAVE to drive to get to the store...but i could see doing this if i lived downtown!

  11. Cool captures! I like the effects.

  12. Much better than those plastic bags we have at the grocery stores here.

  13. They look such a great way to shop as long as the store aisles are not too narrow.

  14. No way, I stick to my canvas bags!

  15. Got one but mine isn't nearly as nice as the ones you share and it has a squeeky wheel :).

  16. Very handy if you get carried away at the market.. these days my Versailles shopping bag comes with me and gets filled with some very intriguing things :)

  17. Usually those kind of trolleys are ugly, but the two you've shown here and rather cute. A nice change!

  18. Great cart photos-now that I live within walking distance of the market I've got to have one.

  19. Nice street photos, Ciel. I'm not a great friend of special effects, but in this case I like the zoom effect, well done!


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