Saturday 25 January 2014

Librairie salon de thé L'heure des mamans

A couple of days ago, I showed you tea at the bookshop. Actually, though there's a good selection of books, there's also a kid's section and the shop organises allsorts of sweet activities for children!

Il y a deux jours, je vous montrais un thé à la librairie. En fait, l'heure des mamans organise plein d'activités pour les enfants et les tout petits !


  1. It looks quite colourful. The purple at the entrance suits the store well.

  2. It appears to be a fun place, but what I like best is the commitment to help better the community by their organizing "sweet activities" for children. Hopefully, that will help the kids learn to love to read and to love books!

  3. Oh, I do agree with Lowell!! I feel exactly the same way and what a lovely bookstore it is!! It would be wonderful if we could have many more like this!! Great post and photos for the day, Ciel!! Have a lovely weekend!

  4. When I was a kid I would have loved that place. I love the look of it now! ;-)

  5. RedPat took the words out my mouth! Lucky little ones - this place looks truly fab for any age. (Oh I wish I were taking a break for fun, no it's just humdrum work travel again:)...hope you've a great week ahead!)

  6. I love all these little boutiques that you show us. This one is especially appealing! I hope bookstores are doing better there than they are in some parts of the world.

  7. Anonymous25/1/14 10:58

    Educational AND fun!

  8. Colourful and inviting, Ciel.

  9. Bookstores and libraies are warm places for me.

  10. Anonymous25/1/14 16:47

    Looks very welcoming and inviting for the children.


  11. Love the inside and the outside is even better!

  12. how nice to include the moms some extra quiet time :)

  13. That's like WHOA purple, that will get your attention :-)

    It looks like a clever way to introduce children to books, which is so very important.

  14. Looks nice AND welcoming.


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