Wednesday 29 January 2014

L'expo Le Nôtre

So VDP finally went to the current exhibition at the palace: André Le Nôtre in perspectives. Although we are now in 2014, it is part of the 2013 Le Nôtre year celebrations to commemorate the 400th birthday of the genius gardener of Louis XIV. At the exhibition, one learns that he was a pupil of Simon Vouet to better his drawing skills, how he introduced amazing perspective into gardens as well as the fascinating technicalities of garden planning and how he still inspires today, in places like the National Mall in Washington, D.C. or even the National September 11 Memorial. For those of you in Greater Paris, if you haven't been yet, there's still time until 23 February, run, run, it isn't to be missed! 2013 Le Nôtre year on VDP is this way!

VDP s'est finalement rendue à la fabuleuse expo André Le Nôtre en perspectives au château. Bien que nous soyons maintenant en 2014, elle clôturait les célébrations de l'année Le Nôtre pour le 400è anniversaire de la naissance du génial concepteur de jardins. On y apprend qu'il fut l'élève de Simon Vouet pour améliorer ses talents de dessinateur, comment il introduisit la perspective dans les jardins ainsi que les techniques utilisées et enfin, comment il a inspiré et continue d'inspirer aujourd'hui, jusqu'au National Mall dans la capitale des Etats-Unis ou le mémorial du 11 septembre. Si vous n'avez pas encore vu l'expo, courez-y (jusqu'au 23/02), elle est fascinante. L'année Le Nôtre sur VDP, c'est par ici !


  1. The colours in that first pic are astonishing!

  2. I would love to visit!

  3. I agree with William, the colors are astonishing and your captures are superb as always!! I would SO love to be able to go there!! These are the next best thing, Ciel!! Thank you!

  4. Wonderful perspective in that 1st shot!

  5. Wow. I love the idea of walking over the gardens I your first shot. Some creative people must have put this exhibit together. Wish I could see it in person.

  6. je l'ai visitée la semaine passée...mais je n'ai pas pris de photos
    les anamorphose m'ont aussi fascinées

  7. You are fortunate to be able to attend such an exhibition! I have not heard of this person (my bad) but he sounds like a genius of sorts. And I've never really thought about garden planning. Don't you just throw a bunch of plants in the ground and hope they grow? :)

  8. oh i'd love to see this in person!

  9. Is that landscapes painted in the floor??!! Unbelievably cool!!

  10. Sadly, we missed this!

  11. Anonymous29/1/14 18:14

    Amazing detail and realism, must be like floating over a forest!

  12. The man was a land-scaping genius.

  13. Looks fabulous. I would love to see if I can make it before it closes.

  14. I wish I could see this in person! At least I'll get a taste of it through your photos.

  15. I watched a program about the brilliant Andre Le Notre just a short while ago Ciel and savoured every moment. I've seen a few docos about Versailles.. j'adore. It is definitely on my list to visit again within the next year or so.


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