Sunday 5 January 2014

L'église du Nazaréen

I showed you the door yesterday, here's the bigger view of the small Protestant church of the Nazarene. As you can see, it was dedicated in 1988. The plaque below is on the outside wall.

Je vous ai montré la porte hier, voici l'église protestante évangélique du Nazaréen. Comme vous pouvez le constater, elle a été dédicacée en 1988. La plaque ci-dessous se trouve sur le mur rue du peintre Lebrun.


  1. It's simple, but that's what makes it so appealing. A lovely church!

  2. Oh, I would have guessed it was older than that! Like William, I like its simplicity.

  3. I agree with William and EG, I thought it was much older!! The simplicity is wonderful indeed!!

  4. It may be because the background is so much brighter than the building facade, but you got a misty Lensbaby effect with blurring toward the edges. I like it.

  5. It is a very attractive little church. Simple can be great.

  6. What a lovely church. It does appear older than it is, but perhaps that is what I like.


  7. Cute little church.

  8. Au vu des deux dates, un anniversaire de dédicace d'église, ou bien un changement de rôle de l'édifice premier?

  9. Anonymous5/1/14 12:03

    Small, simple and elegant!

  10. @ Thérèse : je me suis posé la même question, restée sans réponse...

    @ all: there is a discrepancy in dates between the dedication date and the plaque. I have not found an answer...

  11. The church was built in 1912. Try this: St. Mark's Church, Versailles, or the French version.

  12. It's smaller than I had pictured. I love when clerics put D.D. after their name so people will call them "Doctor." D.D. is an honorary degree! :)

    You're back now?

  13. we are on the same wave this weekend!! so elegant and beautiful!

  14. I love the wreath, I like the door, the church is nice and I'm glad you are back. MB

  15. There's something about small chapels/churches that pull be in. You can take the large cathedrals.

  16. It looks very welcoming.

  17. I like the simplicity. Is the church used for worship?

  18. J'adore la simplicité!
    Wonderful picture!

  19. Beautiful, but I guess 1912 is not really old by European standards hey Ciel!


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