Sunday 12 January 2014

Le nouveau lustre du pavillon Gabriel

This is the new light fixture hanging inside Gabriel wing of the palace since November 2013, precisely where Joana Vasconcelos' 'Mary Poppins' exhibit hung in 2012. This contemporary artwork, designed by Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec (brothers born in Quimper :-)) and executed by the well-known Austrian Swarovski, will permanently light up Gabriel staircase. Read more about it by following this link.

Voici le nouveau lustre du pavillon Gabriel au château, installé depuis novembre 2013 là où était suspendue, en 2012, l’œuvre intitulée "Mary Poppins" de Joana Vasconcelos. Cette œuvre contemporaine, conçue par Ronan et Erwan Bouroullec (les frères nés à Quimper :-)) et réalisée par la firme autrichienne renommée Swarovski, illuminera de façon permanente l'escalier Gabriel. Plus d'infos en suivant ce lien.


  1. That's pretty amazing, like a large string of pearls!! Great captures, Ciel! Hope your weekend is going well! Enjoy!

  2. After reading the other article and seeing more close ups, I realize they really don't look like pearls -- up close, but still remind me of necklace. Thanks for the additional info! So interesting!!

  3. That certainly draws the eye, Ciel!

  4. Hmmmm. Sorry, not for me.

  5. Jack and I are on opposite sides. I think it's stunning. A necklace for the modern equivalent of royalty with a good deal of Alexander Calder about it.

  6. That is one interesting light fixture.

  7. From the first photo I also thought of a brilliant necklace. After seeing the others, I got other impressions, including a figure dancing with up-stretched arms!

  8. Anonymous12/1/14 11:20

    A very modern twist on a chandelier!

  9. Very modern art to Versailles!Anyway, I'm enchanted and I like a lot! :) You got wonderful pictures!

  10. Excellent link Ciel, it was interesting to see in context to the artists arm the size of the links to this piece. It really is very unique.

  11. Not a great fan of Vasconcelos, but she has fantasy...

  12. At first glance I thought it was a necklace you had superimposed on the photo. I've not seen a light like this anywhere. Not sure I'd want it but it is certainly creative and even a bit whimsical.

  13. I really like those lights. THey add a nice modern feel, but it's not too much!

  14. Anonymous14/1/14 05:58

    A unique light fixture. Thank you for including the link telling about it. It was impressive to see the size comparison next to the person's hands. It really is quite massive.



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