Wednesday 1 January 2014

January City Daily Photo Theme Day: photo of the year

Not VDP's best photo ever but one of the few with a bit of altitude: the view from the palace towards Saint-Louis cathedral as lit by a feeble autumn sun. This photo first appeared on VDP on 5 November 2013. To view all worldwide participants, click here!
Wishing everyone a beautiful, happy, healthy, sweet and joyful year 2014!

Le premier du mois, c'est la journée à thème dans la communauté mondiale des blogueurs City Daily Photo. Ce n'est pas la plus belle photo parue sur VDP mais une des rares avec un peu d'altitude et je l'aime bien. C'est la vue depuis le château vers la cathédrale Saint-Louis, éclairée par un faible rayon de soleil d'automne, publiée initialement le 5 novembre 2013. Pour voir tous les participants, c'est par ici.
VDP souhaite à toutes et tous une belle, heureuse, douce et joyeuse année 2014 en pleine forme !


  1. A superb capture!! Wishing you a very Happy New Year, Ciel!! Enjoy!


  2. Nice choice Yvelines. Happy New Year.

  3. Warm and inviting. The walk up was worth it. Happy New Year to all our friends in France.

  4. And a very Happy New Year to you. Love your choice for theme day.

  5. Anonymous1/1/14 11:24

    Great choice! Hope 2014 is a good year for you.

  6. A perfect choice for today! I always find it too difficult to pick one best shot. :)

    All the best to you in 2014!!!

  7. I like your choice, Ciel! Happy New Year and all the best in 2014!

  8. That is a wonderful shot with those horizontal bands of color and texture ! Good choice for the theme day.

    Bonne année !

  9. i love your pick! happy new year!!

  10. Love that shot! Happy New Year! ;-)

  11. I still think it's a nice shot. Happy new year.

  12. I like the challenge, it's a really good idea to visit your photos, there are undoubtedly gems missed the first time. This is a beauty!

  13. I missed this one first time. It is lovely. Good choice.

  14. This is a great shot. Glad you gave it a replay. HNY to you..

  15. Do love the altitude. It really sets the tone for all that is within!

    Happy New Year. Here's to another great year of photoblogging.

    Janis & David

  16. The light in this is amazing. Almost as if it is a painting. Lovely photograph!!!!

  17. It's an ideal choice for the day!

  18. It is a very nice shot. I like it. MB


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