Thursday 9 January 2014

Cabinet intérieur de madame Victoire

Now that VDP has an annual palace pass, she has started to visit parts of the palace that she had never set eyes on. This is princess Victoire's small cabinet. She was one of Louis the XVth's daughters and is shown painted by Anne Vallayer-Coster in the first photo. The 'appartements de mesdames' (the apartments of the princesses), though still very regal, have a more intimate feel to them than the rest of the palace...

Maintenant que VDP a sa carte "un an à Versailles", elle a commencé à visiter des parties du château où elle ne s'était jamais rendue. Les appartements de mesdames (madame Victoire était fille de Louis XV et est représentée dans la photo du haut par Anne Vallayer-Coster), bien que royaux, ont un charme un peu plus intime que les grands appartements...


  1. très belle première photo, il y pas intérêt de casser ce miroir, vu la taille c'est pas 7 ans de malheur, ca serait au moins le double

  2. Anonymous9/1/14 02:12

    So glad you now have the annual pass to further enjoy the palace.

    Great use of the mirrors for your first image, nice composition on both!


  3. Great images, well worth the palace pass! (And getting a palace pass...what a nice way to start off the new year on a high note:)

  4. Very regal looking place.

  5. The pass must be worth its cost as I see no tourists in your photos ! It's really a beautiful place. Nice shots !

  6. Anonymous9/1/14 10:52

    A whole new world to explore, your pass was a great purchase!

  7. Looks like that Annual Palace Pass is going to be enjoyed by us as well as you. I approve of your investment. ;)

  8. how fun to have passes to this beautiful place...i think i'd visit every day!

  9. The palace is so incredibly beautiful in every respect. I'll bet you don't get to see this on one of the tours, though! Thanks for sharing!

    Here, kitty, kitty! :)

  10. I love annual passes: you can pick the dates and the times you like.

  11. mais aura t on encore envie de visiter si tu nous montre tout

  12. I am glad you now have an annual pass---that means we get to see so much more also. MB

  13. I'm glad that we will be able to profit from your annual pass as well! This does look like a lovely set of rooms. Those candles give it a warm feel, even if they're not real.

  14. It's great that you got a pass. This will be interesting. BTW, I'm sure you noticed, most of Astoria's wires are FRONT AND CENTER :-)

  15. Yay, I guess we'll be seeing more of the palace.

  16. The pass sounds like a very good investment for you and a real treat for us!!

  17. This is a lovely part of the palace, Ciel!


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Merci de votre visite très appréciée et de laisser une pensée ! Désolée de devoir modérer vos commentaires, VDP en a un peu marre des spammeurs en ce moment !