Wednesday 22 January 2014

Bibliothèque de Madame Victoire

Princess Victoire's library at the palace is an extremely charming, elegant and intimate little room, don't you think? The 1770 chairs belonged to queen Marie-Antoinette and most of the books kept here to Louis XVth's daughters (which princess Victoire was) and wife, Marie Leszczyńska.

La bibliothèque de Madame Victoire au château est une petite pièce extrêmement charmante, élégante et intime, vous ne trouvez pas ? Les chaises de 1770 appartenaient à Marie-Antoinette et la plupart des livres conservés ici aux filles de Louis XV dont Madame Victoire, et à son épouse, Marie Leszczyńska.


  1. It is certainly elegant. I could see myself enjoying a nice Grand Marnier, next to the fire, with a good book.

  2. Very charming. I could use that space for sure.

  3. Looks just like my library. Joking aside, an utterly charming room and always fascinating to know of items that belonged to Marie-Antoinette (that weren't scattered to the winds!).

  4. A nice place to have tea and read by the fire!

  5. Ah, so we finally see where you live!

  6. Beautiful and elegant and what a great place to spend time!! I love it and your capture!!

  7. Not a place you can put your feet up.

  8. A cozy place to peruse one of those tall old books.

  9. It's a life I can only imagine.;)

  10. I see in my mind's eye, four ladies in fancy dresses, sitting upright in those chairs, sipping tea and discussing men, children and money (in that order) as they worked to solve the problems of their society.

    Perhaps one of them used the desk to take notes.

    'Tis a gorgeous little rom.

  11. I imagine a charming elegant lady sitting there reading a book!Adorable room!Very well capture, your picture is great!

  12. Anonymous22/1/14 15:59

    A very classy and charming little room to while away some time with a book!

  13. I love the golden hues on everything. Although I'd like my room a little more cosy. Those chairs don't look terribly comfortable. ;)

  14. Beautiful, but I won't be comfortable sitting there with a book...

  15. An adorable room, Ciel!

  16. il me faudrait la meme pour contenir mon envahissement de bd

  17. incredible!! and now i have an urge to watch marie antoinette (the kirsten dunst version) :)

  18. Anonymous23/1/14 19:24

    Very charming, indeed! I can't help but think my late father-in-law would enjoy building a desk like the one pictured. (His hobby.)


  19. Not too shabby. Nice shot !

  20. I see myself sitting writing at that very elegant writing desk Ciel... Such a pretty, feminine room .


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