Tuesday 7 January 2014

Avant-garde à Versailles

These buildings are the precious few avant-garde art déco examples in the city. Above, villa Bomsel, built by André Lurçat and below, villa Cassandre, built by Auguste Perret in the 1920s. The third shot is of another building in the same neighbourhood but it isn't mentioned anywhere so I assume it was merely built in the style, but I liked it. These pics were taken a while back.

Ces immeubles sont parmi les rares exemples d'architecture avant-garde des années 1920 dans la ville. Ci-contre, la villa Cassandre, construite par André Lurçat et tout en haut, la villa Bomsel, œuvre d'Auguste Perret. Enfin, la troisième photo est celle d'un édifice pour lequel je n'ai trouvé aucune info et dont je suppose qu'il a seulement été construit dans le même style. Mais j'aimais bien... Ces photos ont été prises il y a déjà quelques temps !


  1. j'aime bien la villa Cassandre

  2. I like Art Deco a lot - these are great examples.

  3. Nice examples of the Art Deco design.

  4. Le probleme cote photogenique parfois ce sont les traces laissees par la pluie mais sinon j'aime.

  5. So, um, what's with the portholes? Unusual feature.

  6. Nice reflections. Hey, a Mini Cooper!

  7. It's beautiful!The last one is my favorite!

  8. Anonymous7/1/14 09:10

    Very unusual for your area, but I like them!

  9. un temps où le soleil brillait

  10. Oo la la. I especially like the one in the last shot. They're very different than the buildings that usually inhabit your blog pages! :)

    BTW, when you get your bleu hair, please send me a photo!

  11. these are so neat...i would like to have that little round section, from the first photo, for a reading area!

  12. I like the mix of styles and the curves of the room.

  13. J'adore art deco also, but I agree with Lowell, very different.. although I'm guessing like everywhere in the world there can be a mix of architectural styles oui.

  14. I'm a fan of art deco as well. I hope you have seen the (temporary) Art Deco exhibition at the Cité de l'Architecture et Patrimoine. Those are interesting examples of this style in your town !

  15. I like them all and villa Cassandre is really a great name!

  16. Anonymous7/1/14 17:54

    Lovely examples; I like the last one, in particular.


  17. Nice find! The bottom photo is excellent! It's hard to tell that this is France.

  18. They don't look so old. :) This style is still popular today, I think. I'd love to live in that building in your last shot!

  19. I especially like the third photo.

  20. They look quite distinctive!


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