Sunday 22 December 2013

Noël joyeux et créations de Cannelle et Léon

This, above, was the sight (no soundtrack, sorry!) rue de Montreuil yesterday afternoon! Below, back to last weekend's Christmas market. Here are the lovely Japanese paper fairy lights, artwork and jewellery made by Laure of Cannelle et Léon! Her online shop is this way! Louis XIV is on Artsy Versailles, in the bleak winter solstice sun.

Ci-dessus, la joyeuse bande de Noël hier, rue de Montreuil ! Pas de bande son, désolée ! Retour au marché de Noël du weekend derrnier. Voici les ravissantes guirlandes en papier japonais, les tableaux et les bijoux de Laure de Cannelle et Léon. Sa boutique en ligne c'est par ici ! Louis XIV est sur Artsy Versailles dans la lumière maussade du solstice d'hiver.


  1. Santa is everywhere, both male and female were they created, and musicians they became, perhaps to keep the reindeer calm on a long winter's night flying through the sky.

    And now you have them in Versailles. Sounds right. Actually, you have all kinds of cool Christmas stuff in Versailles. How's your checkbook holding up? :)

  2. It doesn't look to cold. I don't think the elves made those drums.

  3. Love the Santa parade and all the colorful goodies.

  4. A marching band of Santa's, doesn't get much more festive than that!

  5. Looks like you've got yourself a 'noisy' photo here.

  6. Japanese paper fairy lights? They are so pretty.

  7. The band of Santas is incredible and I like all the rest!

  8. I love the pop of red of the Santas. The crafts are very pretty.

  9. That first shot makes me think, "Charge of the Santa Brigade."

  10. A band of Santas!! I like it. ;-)

  11. I didn't know Santa was a drummer!

  12. I guess Santa Claus marches to the beat of a different drummer.

  13. Lots of wonderful wares for sale! I love the markets. Much better than indoor shopping at the mall. :)


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