Monday 11 November 2013

Vitrine automnale

Today is Armistice Day of the Great War and a holiday. A century ago...VDP had intended to return to the WWI graves at Gonards cemetery but ran out of time... So here's a pretty autumn display in a baker's window in Saint-Louis neighbourhood! They always have the most wonderful windows, here's last year's Christmas window!

Aujourd'hui c'est l'Armistice de la guerre de 14-18 et jour férié. Un siècle... VDP avait l'intention de retourner sur les tombes de la Grande Guerre au cimetière des Gonards mais n'a pas eu le temps, aussi voici une jolie vitrine chez un boulanger du quartier Saint-Louis! Ses vitrines sont toujours magnifiques, voici celle de Noël dernier !


  1. Gorgeous. Someone made a special effort. There are only a handful of stand-alone bakers here and I guarantee you none of them look like this.

  2. What a beautiful display.

  3. This is another excellent store window photograph.

  4. So colorful and festive!


  5. A wondefully vibrant looking display!

  6. J'ai hate pour les vitrines de Noel. Les europeenes savant toujours faire des jolis vitrines. Et surtout les francais !
    J'espere que tu t'en profites d'un jour ferie. Bien sur, on n'a pas ici en Allemange. :)
    Si tu viens a Berlin, dis-moi. On peut peut-etre se rencontrer pour prendre un verre ou un cafe ? Je crois que tu as mon mail.

  7. Really cute, I also love the reflections!Autumn colors are beautiful and I like the details!
    I'm anxious to see the Christmas decoration, love this season!

  8. i love it, so bright and festive!

  9. It's a lovely seasonal display. I think the baker understands the wisdom of widow advertizing and knows how to draw people into his establishment.

  10. Goodness..such a vibrant display.. It would be impossible to walk past without stopping to have a closer look!

  11. You know I like the season and even more the colors...

  12. What a wonderful collage of color and imagery !

  13. I love the combination of all that is on display in this window (and the reflection too). It is beautiful.

  14. Looks like a layered look today... a collage of sorts.

  15. Oh how very pretty. It's totally perfect for autumn.

  16. That window would draw me right inside!

  17. So bright… a treat to look at!

  18. Excellent photograph, I love these beautiful autumanl colors and your composition!


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Merci de votre visite très appréciée et de laisser une pensée ! Désolée de devoir modérer vos commentaires, VDP en a un peu marre des spammeurs en ce moment !