Sunday 1 September 2013

September CDP Theme Day: pink

September! A month I love for allsorts of reasons! Theme Day this time is organised by Jack of Naples and Hartford in season and Bitingmidge of Sunshine Coast Daily Photo-Australia. Thanks Jack and Bitingmidge! This is the 'Encelade' grove in the palace gardens during the musical fountains night show. To view more participants of the CDP community, click here! Finally, a great big thank you to Gregory for this award!
Check out his gorgeous photography blog Photographing Florida.
Le mois de septembre est un mois que j'adore pour plein de raisons ! Le thème ce mois-ci est organisé un peu à l'arrache par Jack de Naples and Hartford in season et Bitingmidge de Sunshine Coast Daily Photo-Australia, c'est la couleur "rose". Voici une photo du bosquet de l'Encelade dans les jardins du château lors des Grandes Eaux Nocturnes. Pour voir d'autres interprétations du thème dans la communauté des blogueurs City Daily Photo, cliquez ici ! Ah et aussi un grand merci à Gregory pour le prix ci-dessus. Allez faire un tour sur son blog Photographing Florida, ses photos sont magnifiques !


  1. Beautiful pink fountain water, lights and everything.
    I have to wait for the 1st here but my post is ready.
    congrats on a lovely award. MB

  2. Terrific capture! Congratulations on a wonderful award indeed!! And it is so well deserved! Hope your weekend is going well!

  3. Did they do that special just for you? Nice theme day find.

  4. Perfect for the meme and so beautiful.

  5. Ooh, pretty fountain. I'Ve never seen pink fountain before!

  6. Your theme day photo is beautiful!

  7. Anonymous1/9/13 09:33

    Light fantastic! Gorgeous colours, enjoy September!

  8. Excellent choice for this theme day. Have a good week!

  9. Great choice ... they sure do get that fountain pink.

  10. that's a gorgeous fountain and the pink makes it pop

  11. A very spectacular fountain

  12. How very pretty in pink.:)

  13. Tres beautiful image for today Ciel.

  14. Pink light is always very enchanting, like this photo

  15. I love a nice fountain and the pink makes this one even more special!

  16. Lovely capture, Ciel. Colorful lights on a water feature are always nice. Hope all's well in your world.

  17. Pink water, a great choice for this theme!

  18. A spectacular fountain show so beautifully captured in the low light, Ciel! Great choice for the pink theme.

  19. What a lovely pink fountain. You chose a nice one, Ciel.

  20. Ciel, this is beautiful especially with the deep blue sky.

  21. Gorgeous and such rich hues! It was made just for you and the theme:) And very well-deserved recognition too!

  22. très beau rose , une belle illustration du thème :)

  23. Perfect entry, Ciel! Great shot. Congratulations on the award.

  24. that is beautiful and congrats on the award!


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