Tuesday 6 August 2013

Voyager sans bouger

One of the fun sides of walking on the palace parking is that you can visit most of Europe without budging! Here's a small selection, let's see if you get them all right! As you can see, EU member states all have the blue European flag on their license plates. I didn't show you a French one, non, that would have been an F below the flag! On the parking you also encounter an incredible amount of Eiffel Tower sellers!

L'un des aspects plus amusants du parking de la place d'Armes, c'est qu'on peut voyager sans bouger ! On y voit également un nombre incroyable de vendeurs de Tours Eiffel.


  1. bien vu ce voyage immobile dans le parking ;)))

  2. Interesting. Janet in Selma has car tags, too!

  3. Plenty of areas represented!

  4. Ah, you can identify die Deutschen by the umlaut.

  5. It has surprised me how rapidly people have begun to identify as Euro. I expected nationalism was going to be stronger than it is proving to be.

  6. I identify NOTHING. I am unclassy and brain dead.
    I picked that quilt because of the Indian design.
    Bob won 2 blue ribbons and a Special award for the boat one. YAY good for him. It was a first for him. I got a second on my artichoke---I will choke the judge---and a blue on my second picture which was of a Green Heron. MB

  7. Anonymous6/8/13 08:39

    Loys of different countries in Europe, and all reachable by road... andI bet every single one of them leave with at least one mini Eiffel Tower on board!

  8. Coucou ma belle!
    C'est impressionnant la quantitée de plaque d'immatriculation!
    oh la la! :)

  9. After several weeks in Europe, I think I identified a mere few:) Thank you for dropping a line while on your break! Unbelievable, I barely missed you in Paris 2 wks ago! Hope you're enjoying the summer - I'm back in the world of wifi and hope to return to blogland soon:)

  10. le voyage du gardien de parking !

  11. Regarder partir les autres n'est pas toujours "fun" mais bon on peut toujours s'amuser à deviner d'où viennent les visiteurs.

  12. UA Ukraine... je n'aurais pas deviné.

  13. Amazing what you can learn blogging! ;)

  14. The top shot is so cool! And I can see a 'P'! :-)

  15. You have a lovely patchwork auto image here Ciel :)

  16. how neat! very interesting post!

  17. This is pretty neat, standardized with a twist!

  18. European license plates remain foreign to me! ;) I can sort of decipher these, though. I didn't know that about EU member states.

    I wonder how much money the Eiffel Tower generates from all the ET-related stuff sold around the world? It must be a huge sum!

  19. Easy to recognize, I had some doubt about UA, but the colors of the flag helped... Nice idea for a collage!

  20. @ VP and Thérèse: it wasn't UA that gave me trouble but BY!

  21. Oh yeah, the other tower Eiffel built, the one in Versailles.

  22. I would like that idea - sitting and chatting.

    On the left, our youngest daughter; in the middle, Lois; on the right our youngest granddaughter.

  23. This reminds me of when you taught me about European License plates. :-)

    Still I'm not sure but I think I see plates from The Netherlands, Czech Republic,Slovakia,Italy,Belgium,Denmark,Romania and Poland. NL,CZ,I,D and SLO seem easy. :-)

  24. Bravo James! But D isn't Denmark, it's Deutschland (Denmark is DK).
    UA is Ukraine, P is Portugal, E is España and BY is Belarus!


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