Sunday 25 August 2013

Un éclair à la crème de marrons

I bet you've had enough of the Grand Trianon now! After our stroll around the gardens we went to Angelina (a famous parisian tea shop that has an outlet at Petit Trianon). The chestnut éclair was a delight and someone was hoping for a crumb! There is a chandelier on Artsy Versailles today.

Je parie que vous en avez un peu marre du Grand Trianon ! Après la promenade dans les jardins, nous avons pris un thé chez Angelina au Petit Trianon. L'éclair aux marrons était divin et nous avons eu un invité qui attendait une miette ! Il y a un lustre sur Artsy Versailles aujourd'hui.


  1. I have SO enjoyed the tour you've taken us on, but have to admit the eclairs look SO delicious!! And what an adorable little bird! I hope he did get a crumb or two!! Hope your weekend is going well, Ciel! Enjoy!

  2. I am so ready to run to the nearest bakery, but we have nothing that looks that good,

  3. eclaires are my absolute FAVORITE food. #1, numero uno, une. our grocery store has pretty decent ones, I'll have to put off my diet for another week.I'm drooling just thinking about it

  4. That eclair isn't fattening, is it? No calories? Then I will have one, please.

  5. I love the photo of the beautiful little bird.

  6. It looks like it was made with great artistry and a great cost. No shop quite like that here.

  7. The girl is so elegant, I love her dress! The bird is really beautiful, an special guest! :)
    The éclair looks delicious! miam miam!

  8. Anonymous25/8/13 10:33

    Tasty!! I hope your colourful little friend had a crumb or two also?!

  9. When Aimee and I went Angelina's I'm almost sure there wasn't a crumb to be found by the time we were fini ..bon apetit Ciel!

  10. I'd hate to eat that éclair it looks so pretty, but I know I'd make the sacrifice and enjoy every last crumb. The lovely lady in orange is very chic.

  11. I will console myself with a humble ice cream...

  12. OMG!! What an elegant eclair. Love the birdie and again the Lady with Red Hat. You will have to do a series. Oh I guess you already are. MB

  13. Did you eat this whole thing???? Lois Anne could do it but she doth love chocolate eclairs!

    I really like the picture of the woman and the bird is kinda cute, too.

  14. The most beautiful éclair I've ever seen! And what gorgeous bird is that hoping for a crumb?

  15. @ JM: I'm ashamed to say I don't know and haven't looked it up.


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