Wednesday 5 June 2013

Guerlain à la Cour des Senteurs I

A while back, I showed you the brand new 'scents courtyard'. There are several shops which I will show you over the coming months and I'm beginning with one of the epitomes of French luxury: Guerlain, one of the oldest perfume houses in the world. The shop is absolutely gorgeous, more to come soon. Guerlain's official website is this way.

Il y a quelques temps, je vous montrais la toute nouvelle Cour des Senteurs dans laquelle se trouvent plusieurs magasins, dont la superbe boutique Guerlain, dont je ne vais pas me priver de vous montrer plein de photos dans un avenir proche ! Le site de Guerlain, c'est par ici !


  1. Terrific website and what a gorgeous shop!! Love your photos as always and, yes, I'm a tad envious!! Hope your week is going well, Ceil!

  2. The lighting fixtures are so unusual, like no others that I can remember. I know the name of this perfumer, but I could not identify any of their scents. That would be a woman thing.

  3. Beautiful looking shot. I like the light fixtures.

  4. They're such a classic! I love the way you captured the interior. Those lights are very elegant and unusual, just what you'd expect! (Oh, I like the cool profile picture update, it looks like an etching now:)

  5. How do mortals afford this stuff? And those light fixtures look like alien seed pods. (Sorry, had a really long day.)

  6. I am a scent addict. A very long time ago when I was young, in Paris, I was buying a Jean Patou perfume and I remember the salesman telling me that one should put scent where one would like to be kissed. I've never forgotten that. (I hope that was ok to say.)

  7. I remember going into their shop many years ago. Good perfume is wonderful.

  8. Anonymous5/6/13 08:30

    It's a palace not a shop! Beautiful!

  9. Looks very elegant. We visited a perfume "factory" in Paris and it was also very elegant. I could scents that right away when we walked in! :)

  10. what a beautiful shop...those lights are amazing!! they sure didn't skimp on detail!

  11. I guess people are not going to buy expensive perfume in a discount outlet.

  12. Guerlain is my most loved perfume provider. Hopefully I will get a chance to visit this place.

  13. I've always found the scent of fine perfume on a woman to be (almost) magical.

  14. Guerlain and Nina Rici are my all time favs. Its only right and proper that they have a beautiful home :)

  15. A few years ago we saw the opening of the store on the Champs-Élysées, but there were a lot of protesters wearing sheep masks...

  16. Those chandeliers are amazing, very modern and chic. The bottles in the bottom photo resemble alcohol, they would make for expensive shots!

  17. Tu as des goûts de luxe.

  18. So charming place!
    "Ça, c'est la classe"!


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