Friday 17 May 2013

Les fleurs des parfums

Inside the 'scents courtyard', a boardwalk takes you through various famous perfumes and their flowers, here roses, vetiver and jasmine.

A l'intérieur de la cour des senteurs, un chemin de bois vous emmène dans le monde des fleurs composant des parfums célèbres, ici les roses, le vétiver et le jasmin.


  1. Some real classics in there, and laid out so elegantly! Makes me think of a 'family tree' of related scents.

  2. I remember the perfumery in Paris we learned about how perfumes are made and the variety of flowers used in the process. Very interesting.

    Are you a fan of Chanel No.5?

  3. Classics indeed!! What a "fragrant" post for the day, Ciel! I love it!!

  4. It would be a great place to visit.

  5. Je ne savais pas qu'il y avait encore des parfums fabriqués à partir de fleurs. Je pensais que, comme presque tout, c'étaient des dérivés du pétrole.

  6. Somehow I'm feeling that the mystery of perfume should remain a mystery. I'm rebelling against this orderly explaining of it all.

  7. when i was a little kid, my friend noi and i would make perfume by smashing different flowers...we thought we'd become rich and bottle the stuff :D

  8. J'aimerais bien visiter ce lieu. Ca a l'air tres interessant. :)

  9. Now that is a very neat idea. I don't use perfume too much but I love it when someone walks by with just a hint of something wonderful.
    I like the scent of a horse too----LOL!! MB

  10. That's a nice presentation method and it's very clever.

  11. I'm excited Ciel :) I see my L'Air du Temps by Nina Ricci there..j'adore!

  12. Probably the only perfume I know...

  13. What a wonderful place to visit! :)

  14. I love Trésor perfume! :)
    I'm enjoying a lot the perfume series!
    Happy weekend,


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