Tuesday 7 May 2013

Les animaux

Some of you might remember that the Italian Musician's garden was getting a makeover. It is scheduled to open soon, I took these pictures from outside. More about Olivier Roche's land art the day after tomorrow! Oh and the pyramid like buildings you can see in the background of the second photo are Condamines primary school.

Certains d'entre vous se souviennent peut-être que le jardin des musiciens italiens était en cours de réaménagement. Il va réouvrir bientôt et j'ai pris ces photos par les grilles ! L'expo de land art d'Olivier Roche, j'y reviendrai après-demain ! Ah et les bâtiments pyramidaux que vous voyez à l'arrière-plan de la seconde photo, c'est l'école des Condamines.


  1. I love his land art here and at the site - very unique! Beautiful green captures, so alive and Spring-ful:)

  2. I love these! And what wonderful captures, Ciel!! It's been kind of a junky day and these are just what I needed for a big smile!!!

  3. Looks like a fun place.

  4. I bet the garden is popular with children.

  5. What a nice idea, and so beautiful garden!You got wonderful shots, I love the colors!

  6. Bof! Ils auraient peut-être pu trouver quelque chose de mieux, non? Cela me parait encombrant et pas très raffiné. pour tout dire.
    Je suis difficile n'est-ce pas?

  7. Anonymous7/5/13 14:11

    what a fun garden for the young and young at heart :)

  8. How lush and green everything looks Ciel, we both hav a touch of the 'whimsy' today oui :)

  9. I'd say this is a kid-friendly place especially with all those little white bunnies running around. I'll bet the attendees at Condamines will do some "field trips" here!

  10. This is going to be a great garden! Lots of interesting and colorful statues.

  11. Fun garden :-)
    What, if the animals were real?

  12. Why I am thinking of shooting at all these things? And I am not even a hunter...

  13. Very cute. I like the whimsy here.

  14. I would have stopped here too:)


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