Sunday 28 April 2013

Cachés derrière les narcisses

Wednesday and Thursday were deliciously warm spring days (up to 26°C/79°F) and on my way home from work I caught these pupils outside La Bruyère high school hiding behind the still flowering daffodils on avenue de Paris! As always, the focal effect is for privacy reasons... and we are now back in winter.

Mercredi et jeudi furent deux délicieusement chaudes journées de printemps (jusqu'à 26°). A mon retour du travail, j'ai trouvé ces élèves du lycée La Bruyère cachés derrière les jonquilles encore en fleurs de l'avenue de Paris. Comme toujours, l'effet flouté est là pour des raisons de droit à l'image des personnes concernées. Depuis, nous sommes de retour en hiver.


  1. Colorful! I like the focal effect for whatever reason. Hard to believe, though, that French students would skip class! :)

  2. I agree with Lowell and I love your shot for the day!! Thanks for the smiles! Hope your weekend is going well -- it looks as though it is!!!

  3. And a cool effect is it. I've seen a similar technique used with a zoom lens. You can't get a break from this Winter!

  4. That is an interesting effect, Ciel. Nice to spring bulbs flowering.

  5. Nice focus on the flowers.

  6. It captures the magic of spring!

  7. Nice scene and zoom-effect!

  8. 26C fabulous Ciel, must be wonderful to be outdoors .

  9. I like the picture and the effect...

  10. Excellent treatment of the image. We too are back to lower temps and RAIN. Dang it!

  11. Nice image... and it's still cold over here.

  12. I hate how winter this year just keeps returning over and over and....


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