Friday 26 April 2013


Before VDP took a break, on Easter Monday to be precise, I took a walk in Versailles forest just above Saint-Louis neighbourhood. What you see here are signs of spring in the foreground (in the meantime most of the trees are now green), Saint-Louis cathedral on the right, and the palace chapel looming above the palace in the background! Tomorrow, some better views when I finally got to a hole in the trees!

Avant les vacances de VDP, le lundi de Pâques pour être précise, je me suis promenée dans la forêt domaniale de Versailles au-dessus du quartier Saint-Louis. Ce que vous voyez ici au premier plan, ce sont des bourgeons, signes de printemps (depuis ils ont éclos) ! Au second plan à droite, la cathédrale Saint-Louis et derrière, la chapelle royale qui surplombe le château. De meilleures vues demain puisque j'ai fini par trouver un trou dans les arbres !


  1. Oh, so pretty! Why are places always more beautiful from above ...?

  2. Beautiful capture! Love your composition and I'm looking forward to your next! Have a wonderful weekend, Ciel!

  3. I like peeking through the tree branches, the trees and view are beautiful!

  4. Les branches font un graffiti sur le paysage.

  5. C'est joli quand on ne voit que les toits. La modernité est gommée, il ne reste que la beauté de l'architecture .

  6. Wonderful view, I love the branches and the background has lovely sunlight!
    Happy Friday!

  7. vue sur toi

    non toits

  8. J'aime beaucoup ces vues ou l'on a un appercu de l'ensemble de la ville. On peut mettre les pieces du puzzle ensuite en place.

  9. That is interesting. I remember the area as being relatively flat. What a great view even between the branches!

  10. Imagine this scene in a week or so Ciel, you won't be able to find a space when all those buds burst open, looking forward to seeing that :) Happy weekend to you.

  11. Anonymous26/4/13 17:32

    love this shot!

  12. It is a lovely view. Something we--your readers--don't generally see.

    got the e-mail. I feel like slitting someones throat. MB

  13. You framed this picture nicely through the branches...

  14. What a view, the cathedral makes an excellent backdrop!


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