Sunday 10 March 2013

Ca sent le printemps !!!

These photos were taken yesterday on Avenue de Paris and in Madame Elisabeth's grounds. Now the daffodils are only just beginning to bloom on the avenue so a bit more patience is required until you see the now familiar scene. Click on the photo to enjoy, clockwise from top left: daff, lonely crocus, daffs, an early periwinkle, a new species the can, dandelion, a lovely tiny blue unidentified flower and a daisy!

Ces photos ont été prises hier avenue de Paris et dans le domaine de Mme Elisabeth. Les jonquilles commencent tout juste à fleurir sur l'avenue, il faudra encore un peu de patience pour voir les rangées dont vous avez maintenant l'habitude. Cliquez sur la photo pour voir dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre à partir du haut à gauche : narcisse, crocus esseulé, narcisses, une pervenche hâtive, une nouvelle espèce, la canette, du pissenlit, une adorable fleur bleue non identifiée et une pâquerette !


  1. Anonymous10/3/13 00:27

    Donnerstags und am Freitag mache ich momentan nichts anderes mehr als Gras zu schiessen. Ist tatsächlich gut für die Seele. Danke für den Frühling. Einen guten Sonntag dir.

  2. Flowers are never more beautiful than this time of year after so much gray and cold, the colors warm the heart and the eyes! These are a perfect example!! Thanks for sharing the beauty, Ciel!! Hope your weekend is going well -- and colorful!!

  3. Already? And you're so much farther north! Carolym, who notices such things, says we have one daffodil popping up in front of the house. Long way to go.

  4. Already? And you're so much farther north! Carolym, who notices such things, says we have one daffodil popping up in front of the house. Long way to go.

  5. Spring flowers are the best.

  6. I thought I would beat Lowell to saying something about a can can.... Lovely flowers, and only recently we saw snow.

  7. @ Tapirgal: thanks for noticing the intruder!

  8. I agree with Sylvia. Nice spring collage.

  9. these make me soooo happy.

  10. I love this flower, and you prepared a beautiful Spring collage!
    Delicious feeling of Spring!
    ** unfortunately the weather during this weekend here in my place is terrible, rain and cold again... :(

  11. Terrific collage, Ciel. I can just imagine you enjoying a stroll along the avenue taking these photos. Spring is right around the corner! Enjoy your Sunday.

  12. I recognize all the spring flowers Ciel, and I have seen a few cans growing at the side of our roads also, don't recognize this one though haha!

  13. I've seen a few crocus. The daffodils are up, but no flowers yet. Thanks for the early show :-)

  14. Such pretty spring flowers. I really miss daffodils and tulips. They don't do very well here in Florida. Thanks for the spring bouquet.

  15. Beautiful flowers - these sprinkles of Spring makes me smile! Thanks for the giggle with the new species 'the can' :)

  16. Ici aussi, weekend tshirt. Chouette collage!

  17. You have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that spring has sprung in your neck of the woods! I love the yellow, as it is so vibrant and yet calming at the same time.

    Have a great week ahead!

  18. Very nice spring collage :-)

  19. Lovely, lovely. I love spring.

  20. Great signs of SPRING!
    Thanks for sharing!

  21. At last, but not here: it's still raining...

  22. Very lovely! I'm looking forward to seeing my first dandelion.

  23. Beautiful signs of spring.

  24. We still had snow on Fri, so this makes me excited for Spring! What a lovely treasury of flowers, the simple daisy is perfect.

  25. Lovely mosaic! We are still having showers everyday here. Yuck!


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