Saturday 16 March 2013

A l'ouvrage

Busy bee in Madame Elisabeth's grounds last Saturday! You may recall the beehives in the park. Yes, I hope the poor bees didn't freeze during our small blizzard because we went straight from 15°C (59°F) to -3°C (26°F)...

Dans le domaine de Madame Elisabeth samedi dernier. Vous vous souvenez peut-être qu'il y a des ruches dans le parc. Oui, j'espère que les abeilles ne sont pas gelées après notre petit blizzard puisqu'on est passés de 15° à -3°...


  1. Beautiful flowers! Hope you have some sunshine, some warmth and lots of fun for the weekend, Ciel! Enjoy!

  2. Oh those poor bees (not to mention poor humans), that is a big temperature drop! The captures are gorgeous, may the sun shine brighter this weekend:)

  3. Hopefully they went into their hive and waited out the weather. Much like people.

  4. Lovely. I am glad to see that spring as sprung!

  5. Again, I'm surprised how early spring is moving in your area. It wouldn't take a temperature much below zero the freeze those little bees through and through.

  6. Have a nice spring Misses bees!

  7. Maybe when it gets cold the bees put on robes and slippers to stay warm. Seriously, Monarch butterflies have been known to survive a freeze because they alight in layers and the outer layers preserve those under them. Amazing, non? We can hope the bees do the same thing.

  8. I think they may be hardier than we think Ciel, that sure is a huge drop but still, how nice to have a daffodil sighting, there's hope:)

  9. WOW! That IS a temperature drop! It looks so much more like spring there than it does here. (I bet I say that every year, yes?)

  10. Love the wee bee! That's a big temperature drop. What crazy weather. It's been cold here at night again (not freezing, but still unusual). However, today is supposed to be 80 and sunny; same tomorrow which is good as I shall be on the golf course!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  11. I like les abeilles, but I am always a bit afraid of them. Luckily they invented the zoom lens! It's very cold here too, for the season.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Such happy daffodils. Just had a class on beekeeping and learned that the temperature in the hive is a steady 94ish degrees F. So I hope the bees found their way to the hives.

  14. Poor bees! Nice photo. Spring is trying her best!

  15. No photos in Prague Cathedral? That IS crazy.

  16. Fantastic macro of the bee. I hope he and his friends didn't get frozen. Our temps are dropping again this week and we're expecting more snow. :S

  17. pas encore vu ce genre d'activité ici ... tu as de la chance ;)

  18. Happy to see the bee! The flowers are lovely!


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