Saturday 16 February 2013

Kentucky Rain

Can't resist a second shot of Kentucky Rain. Aren't those belts delightful?

Peux pas résister à une deuxième photo de Kentucky Rain. Les ceintures ne sont-elles pas délicieuses ?


  1. Ooh, they are - I clicked to enlarge because the detail looks so sweet. I love the colour in those belts!

    (LOL, I loved the cheese comment - I will have to give the Coeur de Bray a chance...also, if the weather is bad, I may have to peruse some Bronte this weekend, enjoy yours!:)

  2. Delightful indeed, Ciel, and I love the colors! Hope you have a great weekend! Enjoy!

  3. I can understand a return visit. A great shop I would love browse through.

  4. Beautiful color and detail on those scarves.

  5. Those are great looking scarves.

  6. Anonymous16/2/13 08:26

    Merci, M'dame, pour ces clins d'oeil rendu très jolis grâce à votre objectif! Je vous souhaite un très beau weekend (je crois que la lumière sera au rendez-vous afin que vous puissiez faire encore de belles clichés!). A bientôt ...

  7. Fashion!The second one for me please! :D

  8. Pat-être pas faciles à porter , ceci dit..J'adore la mise en scène!

  9. Charming. The knit caps look cute too.

  10. Strange name for a store in France, but I guess it is memorable.

  11. LOL, I'm glad you told me they are belts! I'm such a fashion leader ;-)

  12. Oh... I took them for kimonos!

  13. REally delightful, Ciel, the first please...

  14. Very geisha style. :-)

  15. Anonymous16/2/13 23:46

    Danke für die Inspiration. Einen tollen Sonntag dir.

  16. What belts? Are you referring to those long scarves? I wonder why the name, Kentucky Rain? There's got to be a reason for that's an odd name anywhere, even in Kentucky. Well, maybe not Kentucky, 'cause that is one very odd state. They just put up a Noah's Ark theme park with taxpayer money. Aargh!

  17. Absolutely, the blue one would do me fine Ciel, had to laugh , the guys are not too sure about the fashion haha!

  18. Absolutely, the blue one would do me fine Ciel, had to laugh , the guys are not too sure about the fashion haha!


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