Sunday 24 February 2013

Gare Rive Gauche

I have shown you Rive Gauche (Left Bank) train station before. It was here but at the time, it still had canvas covers above both entrances. Now one entrance is free of the tarpaulin! Note the Morris column.

Je vous avais déjà montré la gare Rive Gauche. C'était ici mais à l'époque, les entrées étaient bâchées. Désormais, l'une d'entre elles ne l'est plus ! Notez la colonne Morris.


  1. Wonderful looking train station and a terrific capture!! I love to travel by train!! Hope your weekend is going well!!

  2. Today's post is interesting in many ways, Ciel. First, the railway station is beautiful and looks fresh after undergoing its face lift. And, I have of course seen these advertising kiosks often but I never thought about their name. Thanks for the informative link.

  3. It looks really grand, they did a beautiful job.

  4. I agree with Wayne, it really does look grand.

  5. Until today I never knew the name of what I would have had to refer to in US slang as those charming advertising whatchamacallits or thingamabobs,

  6. I remember this quite well...

  7. French train stations tend to be very eloquent, don't they? They're impressive!
    God bless you!

  8. That is quite an entrance - for a train station! Very impressive. The first time I saw a Morris column was during our trip to Paris. I liked them a lot and wish we had them here instead of all the big billboards. I didn't know their name, though, so thanks for the link.

    Having a great Sunday, I hope!

  9. Wow, nice!
    Thanks for the vocabulary .

  10. A beautiful piece of architecture!

  11. Looks fabulous unveiled Ciel, I don't recall seeing a Morris column in Perth but I will definitely keep my eyes open from now on..btw one of my favourite French perfumes was called Rive Cauche!

  12. I love the Gares! Arianna

  13. It has had a beautiful facelift.
    we are flying to Arizona in March and then later this summer taking a train to see a friend in Santa Rosa. C. Should be fun. I have never been on a Jet before and it will be fun. How is April looking. MB

  14. Well, I just learned what a Morris Column is. The entrance into the station is stunning.

  15. I did not know these were called Morris Columns until now, very cool. I love the architecture of that beautiful station and your photo. Lots of gorgeous rail stations in our big cities were torn down long ago, sadly.

  16. This is gorgeous! Great job, nice photo.

  17. A beautiful building!

  18. Lovely. I really like how the advertising column blends in with the train station architecture. I didn't know what those columns were called -- thanks.


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