Sunday 10 February 2013

Bleu !!!!

It isn't the first time I show you street lamps, so this photo is nothing special. Well, in a way it is though because what you see here is BLUE sky. Blue sky for the first time on a Saturday in absolute ages!

Ce n'est pas la première fois que je vous montre un lampadaire, cette photo n'a rien de spécial. Quoique... Vous noterez le ciel BLEU. Bleu pour la première fois un samedi depuis fort longtemps !


  1. So you're saying that you no longer have the blues...or that now you've got the blues and feel much better? Love that lamp!

  2. They're so beautiful!! Worth the wait! I love the lamp, too! Hope your having a great weekend, Ciel! Enjoy!

  3. YAY!!! Blue sky and yay again. Of course we don't have blue sky---only gray and rain. Phooey! MB

  4. Good for you and good for the Ile de France. We should be happy we are not in New York or Boston.

  5. We can all take other weather issues so long as the sky is blue and the sun shines.

  6. The blue sky is the perfect touch.

  7. Nice blue sky and a very beautiful street lamp.

  8. I'm so happy for you Ciel, blue skies every now and then are essential to keep the spirits up oui!

  9. these are definitely the right kind of blues to have.

  10. Today it's all cloudy and grey here. Depressing! LOL! But I'm happy for you. :-)

  11. It does wonders for your spirits, doesn't it?

    I love those street lamps!

  12. Blue skies mean sunshine and how can you feel anything but happy on a day that has both! Enjoy :)

  13. My favorite kind of picture!

  14. Enjoy your blue skies. Here it is windy, rainy and we have had some hailstorms - and blue skies in between :)

  15. Hurrah! The best kind of sky! A very pretty portrait of a street lamp too.

  16. So happy the sun came out for you --- and on the weekend!

  17. I get excited about blue skies too. :))


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