Wednesday 2 January 2013

Saint Pierre

If you've had a bit too much to eat lately, you might consider cooking fish. John Dory is one of the more expensive ones but oh so good! Seen at Notre-Dame covered market.

Si vous un peu trop fait bonne chère ces jours-ci, le poisson sera une bonne option de diète. Par exemple un peu de Saint-Pierre, vu aux Halles Notre-Dame.


  1. Oh, yes! I do love fish! Looks like a great place!! Hope your holiday is winding down pleasantly -- I love them, but I'm glad to see them go!!

  2. I do like fish, cooked the right way!

  3. Sounds like a good idea after all the heavy holiday food! I like fish, I've never tried that type, though.

  4. Yum! Recently read a most appetizing passage in a (not as compelling) novel about a restaurant meal featuring John Dory...and now seeing your delectable picture:) Wish I were nearer your market.

  5. I am not into fishy fish but I will try something at least once. Speaking of eating too much it will be salads for me all month.

  6. I do like fish, but John Dory is completely unfamiliar. Something to look for.

  7. pour la diete, ca depend tu vas faire quoi comme sauce, tu vas l'accompagne avec quoi et boire quel vin avec ? ;)))
    J'espere que tu as passe un bon reveillon.

  8. I know it is a shame, but I do not like fish...

  9. Love fish! I've never heard of John Dory, though. Hope you're having a good start to the new year.

  10. En principe, on en met dans la bouillabaisse...qui n'est pas si légère que ça.

  11. Salmon, properly cooked. Or tuna in a can. That's about it for fish. This photo does nothing for my palate. :-)

  12. Cela fait un temps fou que je n'ai pas mangé de St Pierre... par contre je me suis régalée avec des coquilles St Jacques...
    L'étalage est très beau.

  13. I'm having fish for dinner tonight. :) I'm mostly vegetarian but I do eat fish sometimes.

  14. Yum, love long as there are no eyes looking at moi haha!


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