Tuesday 8 January 2013


The inside of Notre-Dame (Our Lady) church. I realized that in all of almost 4 years, I had never shown it to you. Shame, shame... For all outside posts on this magnificent church built by Jules Hardouin-Mansart, the builder of Versailles, click here.

L'intérieur de l'église Notre-Dame. Honteuse, je viens de m'apercevoir qu'en presque 4 ans, je ne vous avais jamais vraiment montré l'intérieur de cette magnifique église que nous devons à Jules Hardouin-Mansart, le bâtisseur de Versailles. Pour voir l'église de l'extérieur, cliquez ici.


  1. An awesome church and I love the perspective of your photo! Hope your week is off to a great start, Ciel!! Enjoy!

  2. Beautiful church interior and photo too! I enjoyed seeing the previous exterior shots (must catch up on your marvelous archives one day!:)

  3. Good timing. Notre Dame is playing Alabama tonight in the USA national championship college football game.

  4. That is so magnificent.

  5. Jack's comment above leads to the question of why the University of Notre Dame, which has a French name, has a football team with the (politically incorrect) name the "Fighting Irish" and they use a person dressed as a leprechan as a mascot.

  6. Aujourd'hui je commence par toi, car hier j'ai voulu rattraper mes retards et tu etais en fin de colonne , j'ai craqué avant..
    elle est tres belle, cette eglise, etonnament sobre par rapport à l'univers versaillais.

  7. Nicely done, Ciel! So well composed and I love the way the light hits the cross. A magnificent structure for sure.

  8. I would be distracted during services admiring the beauty!

  9. Elle apparaît assez sobre!

  10. Beautiful interior. I hope you'll show us more!

  11. I love the light golden croix, adorable interior!A church magnificent indeed!

  12. Lovely. Well done including so much in the shot.

  13. Great shot of a beautiful church...

  14. That is a beautiful shot. You captured it perfectly.

    Glad somethings are better. Let questions lie back until the right time arises---it may never. MB

  15. I love the stained glass.

  16. It was worth the wait Ciel, beautifully shown here.

  17. A very nice interior shot. I see the altar's pulled away from the wall which is a good sign.

    Re your comment on Ocala: This is Florida. It's against the law to have bad weather in winter, although it does happen sometime. It was 80 degrees today. Very nice.


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