Friday 11 January 2013

Ex-votos à Notre-Dame

The plaques on the walls of this side chapel of Notre-Dame church are thank you plaques or ex-votos.


  1. Une bonne facon de renforcer les murs... :-)
    Tiens justement j'ai une commande de photos d'ex-votos de la basilique St Sernin... il devrait y en avoir sur le blog bientot.

  2. Well, it's all very interesting and that's all I'm gonna say about that! :-)

  3. Anonymous11/1/13 00:58

    Könnte man wahrscheinlich stundenlang lesen. Interessant !

    Einen guten Freitag dir.

  4. I've never seen thank plaques quite like this (just slightly more makeshift versions here). Lovely glimpse into a corner of Notre-Dame, and another lovely photo of course!:)

  5. Interesting indeed, but like Lowell, I think that's as far as I'll go!! Hope you have a great weekend, Ciel! Enjoy!

  6. Hmmmmm......interesting.
    We are supposed to have some blue sky and SUN tomorrow. Well it will be cold but crisp. It is 10:15 PM and 24F now. MB

  7. The angel sculpture is wonderful!

  8. Ils sont tres sobres les tiens! Ici, il y a des objets, des photos , souvent des tableaux representant des scenes de malheur dont les protagonistes ont été sauvés. c'est toute une "ecole" de peinture d'un style bien particulier, plus exuberant que ces plaques tres sages.

  9. Very nice. I like the framing on this...rather than shooting it straight on you included the angel and both walls.

  10. This is what I like about blogging Ciel, you learn something new everyday, merci beaucoup and have a lovely weekend.

  11. How many stories...

  12. I wasn't aware the plaques were called this. It's a beautiful place to give thanks.

  13. Interesting. I definitely like the angel. We all need an angel once in awhile. :)

  14. How very interesting. I don't remember seeing this ever. Love the weathered wall below as well as the beautiful benches.


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