Tuesday 15 January 2013

500 jaune

A yellow Fiat 500 is a good way to be seen! This is the car of a traditional, independent clothing shop on Georges Clémenceau street. It started snowing yesterday evening. But unfortunately, it's always dark at this time of year when I can prowl the streets of Versailles as I don't work anywhere near the city...

Une Fiat 500 jaune est un bon moyen d'être vu ! C'est le véhicule d'un magasin indépendant et traditionnel de vêtements rue Clémenceau. Il a neigé mais malheureusement il fait toujours nuit à cette époque de l'année aux heures où je peux rôder dans Versailles puisque je travaille loin de la ville...


  1. The yellow car really stands out against the drab streetscape this time of year. Are you feeling better?

  2. Sweet jaunty car - love that bright yellow! I hope you're feeling better too (I also struggle with finding time to take photos during my workweek, sigh).

  3. Hope you're feeling better -- not a good time of year to be sick! Well, actually, there is no good time to be sick, so I just hope you're doing much better! Love that bright yellow car! Most of our cabs here are yellow so that's the first thing I think of when S see a yellow car!! Take care!

  4. They are all the rage here in New Mexico.

  5. That's one way to make sure people see your advertising. I agree...It's a challenge to shoot in the winter after work. When it's dark so early, I don't feel like shooting like I would if it was light outside.

  6. The yellow is cheerful. Reminds me of the cabs in New York. The Fiat 500 is being sold here, but sales have not been going well.

  7. il va falloir que tu arrêtes de travailler et que tu t'achète une 500 jaune avec versailles daily photo dessus

  8. La voiture jaune est tellement mignonne! :)
    Hmmm il fait froid la bas!
    J'adore la neige!

  9. I love the new 500. So cute!

  10. Ici, on les appelle les pots de yaourt, ou , à l'italienne, des "topolino"! :o)
    Trop de la chance d'avoir de la neige! Bon ici, elle est arrivée sur les montagnes autour, ça fait ENFIN hiver..
    ça va mieux , toi?

  11. I like these cars and it's not because the US commercials feature a hot, sexy Italian model.

  12. I always like cars in bright colors!

  13. Yellow is such a sign of Spring. It's coming you know.
    Are you feeling better? Did you get the soup I brought over?


  14. :) a cute and sunny car... can brighten up your mood.

  15. Hi Ciel..I hope that you're beginning to feel more human by now..It must be awful when it gets dark so early and light in the morning later also, can't help when you don't feel good anyway.. Spring will be there soon.

  16. It wouldn't make a good getaway car - too easy to follow by helicopter - but it is a sunny reminder of warmer weather.


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