Saturday 8 December 2012

Pain d'épices et chutney

For this final post about l'Armoire de Camille, how about some gingerbread and some chutney? All was white yesterday morning! But hey, it's pitch dark when I leave for work and when I came back, not only was it also dark, the snow was all gone so for a glimpse of it on 7 December 2012 click here!

Pour ce dernier billet sur l'Armoire de Camille, vous prendrez bien un peu de pain d'épices et de chutney ? C'était tout blanc hier matin mais bon, quand je pars au travail il fait nuit noire et quand je rentre également, et en plus tout avait fondu alors pour voir un peu de neige à Versailles le 7/12/12, cliquez ici !


  1. I'll take the gingerbread and chutney!! It looks yummy regardless of what it looks like outside!! Hope you have a beautiful, tasty weekend, Ciel!!

  2. Yum, I'll have a big bag stuffed with everything here! How lucky you got that pretty snow, ours melted by lunchtime (I'm faced with darkness before and after work too - I guess this means doubling my weekend photo efforts:). I hope you're sampling something this delicious for your weekend!

  3. Pass the chutney please!

  4. It all looks wonderful.

  5. Snow in the Ile de France so early? Incroyable! A good chutney, though, is appropriate for any day of the year.

  6. Comme j'étais mauvaise langue hier... rien n'est oublié dans cette armoire.
    Côté neige tu pourras te rattraper ce week-end tout du moins je l'espère pour toi.

  7. Gingerbread, a good food of the season!
    Enjoy your snow.

  8. Le pain d'épices, c'est bon aussi avec le foie gras.

  9. Lovely atmosphere, Ciel!

  10. Bonjour!!! Je suis à Rio de Janeiro! Les photos de votre blog sont toujours superbes!!! Mes amis brésiliens dont j’ai recommandé votre blog pour les images, les adore... J'ai récemment été en France en visite pour déjeuner à la Mairie d’Angers comme auteur brésilien dont la ville a rendu hommage. SVP visiter mon blog avec plusieurs pages en français (visite à la Mairie et Château d’Angers). Je serais immensément ravi de votre prestigieuse visite

  11. You can have the chutney,
    I'll take the Gingerbread.
    Why would I eat chutney
    When I can have gingerbread. Chutney's for the English
    Or perhaps the French
    It's chutney that they relish
    But I can't stand the stench!

    Just kidding. That wee poem was off the top of my head. Weird, I know but that's how it is in Ocala on December 8, 2012!

  12. Everything is so beautifully presented in this lovely shop Ciel, it would be very hard to resist buying something oui!

  13. do you like gingerbread? i'm not a big fan of it, or pumpkin for that matter...i wonder if i'd like gingerbread better with the chutney, i do like chutney!

  14. Ummmm, I like Gingerbread and Gingerbread boys or men. I like Ginger---sugared sprinkles. I'd better go baking.

    Are you OK?


  15. I happen to be munching on gingerbread at the moment and its about time to build a gingerbread house (from a kit). This was a fun series!

  16. I'll take some gingerbread... but not so sure about the chutney! :)

  17. Mmmm. I like both gingerbread and chutney. :)


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