Sunday 2 December 2012

Hôpital Richaud

I have shown you the former royal hospital several times, you can refresh your memory by clicking here. Right next to the ruin that is being converted into luxury condos, is the modern hôpital Richaud. This unit is specialised in memory problems, geriatrics and psychiatry.

Je vous ai montré l'ancien hôpital royal à plusieurs reprises (cliquez ici). Juste à côté de la ruine qui est en train d'être convertie en appartements luxueux se trouve l'hôpital Richaud moderne, ici plus spécialement la gériatrie, les soins de la mémoire et la psychiatrie.


  1. Anonymous2/12/12 01:03

    Wahrscheinlich eine ganze Menge schlauer Köpfe drin. Weiß gar nicht wo etwas ähnliches hier ist.

    Einen guten neuen Monat dir.

  2. I remember the hospital, I guess that's a good thing!

  3. The old hospital was a lot more beautiful, to my eyes. But, most utilitarian modern buildings like this don't capture my imagination.

  4. I like the contrast.

  5. Interesting windows.

  6. Let's see, "memory problems, geriatrics and psychiatry" - sounds like my kinda place!

  7. C'est plutôt froid comme lieu..

  8. The memory problems part is interesting...

  9. What a contrast! The mix of specialties is very interesting - there's often not enough link between physical and mental health services in US hospitals. (We're far behind Richaud!)

  10. I like the modern look of this building. The lines of that black window framing are really nice.


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