Tuesday 20 November 2012


Union Jacks and Stars and Stripes galore at a market stall with Notre-Dame covered market in the background!

Au marché du samedi avec pour toile de fond les halles Notre-Dame.


  1. I would not have expected to see these.

  2. All red, white and blue. Your country could fit in, too!

  3. Hey you moved everything around----or something did. Poltergeist?

    How are those bootstraps holding out???

    Going to the ranch for a few days will talk atcha later. MB

  4. ça se vend ?

    j'espère que c'est pas cher

  5. semaine anglo-saxonne?

  6. Well, that's interesting. I wonder who would wear such tee shirts in Versailles? And why...

    Re your question on Cedar Key: I often wished someone would restore that old shack - it is truly a CK icon. I can't remember the story exactly, but I think it was built by a writer a number of years ago as a honeymoon shack.

    Anyway, we started visiting CK in 1988. It was there then - in much better shape, of course. It's withstood a number of hurricanes so it must have been built very well!

  7. P.S. I'd guess you could get more info if you Googled "Cedar Key and old shack."

  8. Great shot! Now all we need is a French flag t-shirt to complete the trifecta of red, white and blue. :)

  9. I'm surprised to see that in a French market.

  10. They share the same colors, like France...

  11. Oh, how did I miss seeing this earlier? I love it! Just throw in the French flag & you're all set:))

  12. I like the look of the fur lined jacket hanging on the rack behind Ciel.

  13. The kind of T-shirt I would never wear! LOL!


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