Saturday 17 November 2012

Mélie & Cie

Mélie & Compagnie ('Cie') is a favourite little shop of mine, located in a courtyard off rue des deux portes. The website is this way.

J'adore Mélie & Cie dont la boutique versaillaise se situe dans une petite cour de la rue des deux portes. Le site web, c'est par ici.


  1. What a cute shop & their stuff is adorable! I wonder if they ship internationally?:) Hmm, and here I was trying to be so disciplined about my budget!

  2. It looks like the place is closed ... and what is that out front between the women - a shopping basket? I see bags that look full - those ladies have already done a bit of shopping.

    I hope you bought something! That little pink purse would look good on you!

  3. Hmmmm does look like my kind of shop, too, Ciel! I could do with a days shopping about now!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. I don't think that pink bag would go with my outfit, although everything goes with jeans :-)

  5. Much better taste than what I saw along Rodeo Drive.

  6. Tu n'as pas l'air d'etre la seule a apprecier ce magasin... La taille du magasin me convient tout a fait.

  7. Those women look like they are anxious for the store to open. That is a good sign about the shop's merchandise.

  8. Looks like a great place to shop. Nice website too.

  9. Looks stylish. But it is in France, so by definition it must be stylish.

  10. Lots of lovely goodies in this shop Ciel, remind me about this one when I come over haha!

  11. Hi Ciel! Hope you're enjoying your Saturday!

    Re your question on Ocala DP: Yes, once! :-))

  12. I like the two lookers-in.

  13. Are those people in line to get inside or only looking at the display?

  14. I could have spent time and money here!
    Thanks for the link.
    I´ll remember it.

  15. Trop timides pour entrer, ou trop en avance?J'aime bien les petits pois!

  16. A sweet little shop---large prices I am sure. Bob would love to browse through the wine shop.

    I know things will be ok!!! It all takes time and that climbing out is often the hardest. MB

  17. It looks like a cozy place to get out of the weather. Do they have interesting jewelry to go with the handbags?

  18. I would love to shop there too!

  19. I see shops like this in part of Sydney ... faux-francais ... nice, but catering to a particular sort of woman.

  20. @ VP: just looking I think!

    @ Lowell: you've seen the thing in the middle here:

  21. Ah! Window shoppers create such cool photo ops.


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