Wednesday 7 November 2012

Les dernières feuilles de 2012

The last leaves of 2012 in Parc Balbi!

Dans le parc Balbi.


  1. Those last leaves say it all, don't they, Ciel!! It's beginning to look the same way here!

  2. I still see green - a few die-hard's
    hanging on, good for them!

  3. Anonymous7/11/12 00:30

    Ha, hier waren es heute noch über 20C und warm genug für ein T-Shirt.

    Einen guten Mittowch dir.

  4. It is going to be depressing when the last leaves are gone.

  5. They look melancholy but lovely all the same. We still have trees with green leaves, I hope they'll change thei colors soon!

  6. The different colors make it almost look like a Christmas tree.

  7. bon ben voila c'est pas Lucy qui a gagne les elections cette nuit ;))
    De belles couleurs , on dirait que quelqu'un les a classes et ranges dans l'arbre

  8. @ Randy: that's what I thought too!

  9. tu les as raccrochées pour la photo

  10. Tu "Regardes la feuille à l'envers" ? Une expression que l'on n'utilise plus beaucoup.

  11. May I quote Giuseppe Ungaretti's 'Soldati' (Soldiers):

    Si sta come
    sugli alberi
    le foglie

    (There we are
    like leaves on
    trees, in Autumn)

  12. At leat they have a blue sky for a a backdrop. :)

  13. This is a parable for something. But I'm a happy camper this morning! It's the light. The light is perfect as it invades the spidery branches and reluctant to leave leaves.

  14. Oh, to your question on Cedar Key: I don't know what that would rent's not a 5-star place, so I don't think the rent would be that high. It is, however, right in the small downtown area. I'll try to get an idea next time we go over there.

  15. Oh they're hanging on for dear life there, one strong gust and they're history, which is a shame because against the blue sky and lit by the sun they do look very lovely there!

  16. At least you have blue skies. Weather is lousy again today here.

  17. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my commentaries! But why dost thou think the captcha is horrid? I thought it was pretty cute. But we're feeling pretty good today!

  18. Tu devrais encadrer cette photo!


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