Wednesday 1 August 2012

August City Daily Photo Theme Day: Numbers

Number 33. Edmond Frémy was a Versailles born chemist. The CDP portal is still being worked on so Julie has again revived her Theme Day blog. So off you go here to view other participants.

Numéro 33. Edmond Frémy, versaillais de naissance, était chimiste. Le portail CDP est encore en travaux, aussi Julie a-t-elle de nouveau posté sur son blog temporaire. C'est donc par ici que ça se passe pour voir les autres photos de numéros de villes du monde entier !


  1. A good post for the theme!

  2. That is a great theme day post and nice homage, the capture makes it look like a storybook illustration almost! (Re: your comment, perhaps I may use the photo today for August theme after long as the blogging police don't come after me! :)

  3. Great post/photo as always, Ciel, regardless of the day or theme and I always look forward to visiting your blog! Hope your week is off to a good start! Enjoy!

  4. Je croyais que c’était un immense thermomètre et qu'il donnait la température : 33 ;))

  5. Clever, my friend! You have a head for numbers!

    Re your comment on Colorado: There are no tails, silly. That's why it's "Heads, you win!"

    And the glasses are my reading glasses which I didn't need after cataract surgery but as time has passed, I do need them to see small items on menus. :-)

  6. Anonymous1/8/12 01:38

    Und ein Stück Himmel im Fenster.

    Chemie fand ich immer super schwer. Einen guten neuen Monat dir.

  7. Dites 33, et decouvrez un illustre inconnu !

  8. I like the style of the numbers and the reflection in the window.

    Happy new month!

  9. It is a perfect frame for the day, the number 33 offering good balance and harmony :^)

  10. An interesting picture, with some obvious hidden significance in the number 33...

  11. Is this a mausoleum? Neat shot.

  12. 33 is a good house number. I am now wondering what the significance is? Happy theme day!

  13. It's great that this house has been preserved so well! Welcome back!

  14. i love the simplicity of this! perfect~

  15. The window is pretty cool!

  16. I like the cute little window as well!

  17. There's something about double and multiple numbers that is visually appealing, super shot for today Ciel.

  18. Very cool. Too bad you didn't show the doorway, you could have killed two birds with one photo, so to speak.

  19. @ Birdman and all: it's just a normal house.

    @ Clueless: the door was on the other side of the building...

  20. Très élégante, as always.

  21. Cool shot. I seem to have lost any way to get to city daily blog so I will just enjoy others' pics.


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