Friday 10 August 2012

Août à Versailles II

Because so many people are away on holiday and because it is supposed to be summer, August is also the month of roadworks. This is what Montreuil main street looks like at the moment!

Du fait que beaucoup de gens sont en vacances et que le temps est censé être estival, août est également un moment privilégié pour les travaux, ici rue de Montreuil.


  1. Anonymous10/8/12 00:30

    :) Hier sind auch fast alle weg. Auf dem Spielplatz zerbrochene Bierflaschen und viel Müll. Ansonsten ca. 37 Grad. Einen guten Freitag dir.

  2. Funny how cultures are different. We are full swing back into school and work. I am missing my holiday!

  3. We don't have the same tradition of shutting things down in August, but we do concentrate all of the roadwork into the period from April to November, when snow is unlikely.

  4. I wouldn't mind everything shutting down in August, though I notice our roadworks also mainly happen in warmer months. That is a very pretty main street, esp. by US standards!

  5. It seems that here in Seattle August is when the exciting, fun things begin along with the preparation for kids to return to school. But then we normally don't really have any summer like weather until August! Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Where does everyone go? Nice shot.

  7. It's funnier to English speakers. We use the French-derived word detour. You know the connotation of deviation in my native language.

  8. ça me rappelle quand ils faisaient les travaux du tram! Ni a droite, ni a gauche, bien au contraire .. :o)

  9. quand la déviation est des 2 côté ça veut dire démerde toi

  10. So the construction workers do not get August vacation?

    We have perpetual roadwork. One of the projects will be wrapping up this fall after **4** years of construction.

  11. I think that's most considerate, road works go on here all year round and at very inconvenient times! Oh I did notice the 'supposed to be' summer Ciel, I predict that you will have blue skies this weekend, I'm usually right haha! (you'll have to let me know)

  12. Oh my goodness! That's a mess. But it's kinda cool to have this work done when most folks are out and about. Here they tear up the roads all year 'round.

  13. Things will be for the better once the barriers come down.
    btw Sheeeeeesh! You made me pull out my French/English dictionary yesterday! hehehehehehe!

  14. Sad to say, we have the same problem here. But the roads really DO need to be repaired. :)

  15. That is a real mess but I guess this is best time for it, after all.

  16. you are back....
    so glad you stopped by
    anytime except winter is roadwork time here, especially in the summer

    fun to see your street

  17. Same here, which must be really annoying for the peak season foreign tourists...


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