Tuesday 5 June 2012

Un après-midi au vert

A lazy and green afternoon in the grounds of Madame Elisabeth's domain. We have since gone back to cold and wet. Actually, make that: it feels like February.

Dans le domaine de Madame Elisabeth. Depuis, nous sommes de nouveau dans le froid et la pluie. Février, quoi.


  1. Beautiful scene! We too have gone back to cold and wet. Although we did need the wet part. :)

  2. One would not think February from this gorgeous photo! But if your weather is like Florida weather, just wait a minute, it'll change!

  3. Ah! The perfect spot for a picnic .... Oh! for warmer days.

  4. Looks like a lovely place for a walk. We are hot and dry, we need rain!

  5. So postcard perfect! I can feel myself relaxing already (and will ignore that we've also become very soggy :)

  6. A very lovely scene. I'd like to pull up a park bench and chill.

    We've had bizarre weather of late. One minute, sunny, pouring bath tubs of rain 5 minutes later.

  7. I like the splash of red in all that green. Reminds me some of Pissarro.

  8. Nothing like a day in the park.

  9. Very painterly, lovely.

  10. Yes, like a lovely painting that could have a place in your museum.

  11. viens en Bretagne le soleil résiste

  12. alors, la dame a du ranger sa jolie robe et proteger son bébé! Dommage, il etait bien tentant, ce joli vert!

  13. try to stay warm through this cold spell. the woman in this image was truly soaking the green sunlight into her skin.

  14. A great photo. Her red dress sets off all that green. I'd gladly give you some of our hot weather. Already I long for cooler days. Perhaps it is your wet and cool temps that make your landscape so lush.

  15. What a pleasant and refreshing view, it is getting hot around here.

  16. No wonder everything looks so green and lush Ciel, this is the most delightful image, j'adore.

  17. @ Dave: yes, it should. It was for a while until Sunday... Last night the temperature hovered just above freezing point in the Somme...

  18. Beautiful,lazy scene!
    By the way, the same here - 13C and raining heavily....brrrrrrr!!!!

  19. Brrr it must be cold. That place looks like a perfect spot for a picnic.

  20. Dressed to pop! Lovely shot.

  21. How nice there's red in this photo. It makes the green sing. :)


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