Sunday 17 June 2012

Pleine à craquer

Yes, the recital was in the great hall of mirrors at the palace. This photo was taken last Wednesday at about 20:45 hours before the rush. Needless to say, the hall ended up being packed. I had invited my Dad for Father's day! To answer Bob of Saint-Louis DP's question: the acoustics weren't too bad, I was surprised!

Oui, le récital a eu lieu dans la galerie des glaces mercredi dernier. Cette photo a été prise vers 20 h 45 avant le rush. Précision superfétatoire : la galerie s'est remplie jusqu'à craquer. J'ai emmené mon papa pour la fête des pères !


  1. An awesome place indeed! How wonderful to attend a concert there! Superb capture! Good to find your blog again! Hope you're enjoying a great weekend!


  2. It's so grand looking! Did you get to dress up very fancy?

  3. Anonymous17/6/12 01:16

    Was für ein schönes Abenteuer !

    Einen guten Sonntag dir.

  4. What a wonderful venue to enjoy music. I'm sure your father was thrilled to be there with his daughter.

  5. You are so lucky to get to see these concerts. I really envy you this one. A beautiful voice in a beautiful setting. What could be better? :)

  6. What a difference in musical program and setting. Listening to Bartoli here would be a delight. We just got home from a performance by So Percussion at the austere Pulitzer Foundation For The Arts here. Also delightful, but very unconventional.

  7. Quelle délicieuse attention et quelle allure!

  8. Lovely. I am envious that you saw this in person.

  9. A wonderful treat for you Dad!

  10. There's nothing like a great concert on a great setting! I remember in Prague going to concerts every day, not only for the music but also to know the palaces, theatres, synagogues and so on.

  11. Magnificent place for a concert!
    Enjoy your day with your dad!

  12. The opulence is amazing! Fit for a king. :)

  13. @ all: there weren't a lot of blue jeans around...

  14. Oh wow Ciel, what a fabulous venue for such a concert, I bet you and your Dad had the best time. What a great Father's Day present. My son Dave and his wife Courtney arrive in Paris next week and I'm trying to persuade them to take a trip to Versailles to see the palace.

  15. What an exceptional Father's Day treat at such a magnificent venue!!

  16. Your dad is very lucky, this was a wonderful present!

  17. Wow, this must have been an amazing concert to see in person, and what a stupendous setting, in the great hall of mirrors!

  18. That was definitely the best gift for your father...

    Carpe Diem

  19. Wow, spectacular Father's day gift!! I'd have a tough time watching the performance with all the distractions of the great hall.

  20. What a good daughter to think of such a Fathers Day present.


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