Sunday 4 March 2012

Centre maternel de Porchefontaine

This is one of the buildings of the Mother/Child Residential Programme in Porchefontaine neighbourhood. It provides emergency shelter and transitional housing for pregnant women and women with children as well as counselling services and educational support. The other buildings are extremely modern and I did not (yet) find an intelligent way of photographing them... Archive photo from February, it has been so dull and grey here.

Voici l'un des bâtiments du centre maternel de Porchefontaine. Les autres sont ultra modernes mais je n'ai pas (encore) trouvé de moyen intelligent de les photographier... Photo de février, il a fait tellement gris cette semaine.


  1. It's a gorgeous building and sounds as though it houses a wonderful program. Love the light. Sorry about dreary and gray!

  2. Anonymous4/3/12 01:19

    A very interesting building and beautiful sunny day for you albeit in February!

  3. Oh, if I were pregnant and needed help in Versailles, I'd want to be in this building, not one of the modern ones. Do they need grandmothers there, do you suppose?
    Beautiful blue February sky!

  4. This is such a lovely stone building. A woman in need could feel cared for here.

  5. For being modern, it has a nice mix of traditional materials, it's a beautiful building.

  6. .. serving a great purpose. (hit publish a little too quickly)

  7. Great program. Interesting building.

  8. A very pretty building, and important work they do in there!

    Hope you will get some sunshine today and enjoy the last bit of the weekend.

  9. Greetings, Ciel! Please check out the new website again...the blogs are listed on the top menu under the header photo. Just click on the name. You will also see clearly where to click to make a comment...

    Let me know if that works for you! :-)

  10. The nice thing is you just have to go to one site, not several. Just set up to go to:

  11. Anonymous4/3/12 12:36

    Nice photography.

  12. S'il n'y avait pas le bout de batiment moderne à gauche, la photo semblerait hors du temps, le lieu d'une autre époque..

  13. What a lovely place for these women and children to find shelter and care.


  14. Lovely building!
    Have a great Sunday:)

  15. It's a beautiful building with some wonderful architectural details!

  16. Always good to hear about people and institutions that are there to give support to those who need it...
    God bless you!

  17. It's beautiful! Glad that the women are getting the help they need and in such a nice building too. :)

  18. A beautiful building for a wonderful cause! I will be interested to see if you can find a way to show the newer buildings Ciel!

  19. Lovely architecture. The balcony is so cool!

  20. A lovely and interesting building!

  21. A lovely building and it's pleasing to hear it's being put to good use..
    Same weather here today..

  22. belle architecture, fait penser a mon ancienne ecole maternelle dans le lot

  23. Really nice materials. And a more cheerful facade than the school building.

  24. Even this building is hard to photograph, with the trees so close to the structure. You can probably only do it in the winter.

  25. This building is beautiful. Glad the mother/child program provides such a nice environment. Do you like the modern buildings?
    Wishing you blue skies soon.


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