Friday 13 January 2012

Les jardins familiaux à Jussieu

Behind the exhibition I showed you yesterday are the allotments of Jussieu neigbourhood.

Derrière l'expo que je vous montrais hier se trouvent les jardins familiaux de Jussieu.


  1. The gardens are quite beautiful but what are the little houses all about?
    Do people (gardeners) live in them?

  2. Anonymous13/1/12 01:17

    Interesting! They are pretty large gardens for a city of that size. I think it's cool to see how people make different use of the space.

  3. @ Lowell: if you follow the link, you'll see what allotments are. The little houses serve to store garden tools and maybe to have a drink and a bit of shade in the summer.

  4. Anonymous13/1/12 01:34

    Oh !

    Welch Kontrast. Welch Oase. Danke für diese Gedankenübung. Einen guten Freitag dir.

  5. Looks inviting...and potentially tasty.

  6. What great gardens in this area.

  7. What you call an allotment, we call community gardens. I showed one last summer. But, we don't provide those cute little sheds.

  8. I would love to have a garden like that.

  9. ben dis donc ils sont bien verts ces jardins
    je passe prendre 2-3 salade pour le week end

  10. ça me fait penser au film anglais "a other year"..quelle bouffée d'air frais pour les gens alentour!

  11. Les jardins ouvriers, une espèce en voie de disparition.

  12. We had something like this along the railway lines, but not so nice and tidy.

  13. It's strange that all these shreds are similar!Here allotments look different, but I think I prefer yours:)

  14. I meant sheds of course:)

  15. My teachers used to tell me that, too! "Just read the material!" "Follow the link!" "Stop asking silly questions!"

    Ok! Heh, heh. Mea culpa. I didn't follow the link. That would have been way too easy! :-)

    I still like to think there's a little family living there where everyone comes out of hiding to tend to the garden and then goes back inside to sleep.

  16. Ils ont ca aussi à Berlin. C'est assez difficile d'en avoir. Il y a des listes d'attentes qui peuvent durer des années. Mais pour les gens qui n'ont pas de jardin, ca doit être sympa.

  17. I can see the big block of apartments (?) behind Ciel, I think it's so great that people who live in built up areas can have their own little piece of country to grow fresh veg. It's so popular in England too I think, and on a nice day you can get your deckchair (stored in your little shed) and sit and enjoy the warm and pretend that you're in the country haha! Have a great weekend Ciel.

  18. The many comments above reflect that people think that this is a great concept for gardening by apartment dwellers.

    I wonder whether the husband or wife gets control of the garden shed. Will it be a "man space?" If there is electricity in the sheds, I imagine the guys would want to hang out there, eat and watch a game on TV while drinking.

  19. I didn't realize France had allotment gardens! Cool. I think it's a great idea!

  20. Now that is a wonderful sight to see..I love my little garden.

  21. Fresh veggies from your own garden... yum!

  22. We have allotments here in Stavanger too. But the shads / cottages are all different from each other.
    Looks very nice, and must be wonderful to have this in a big city!

  23. Pleine de vie ces petit jardin , j'espère qu(il ne fais pas trop froid .


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