Wednesday 26 October 2011

Wednesday Doorway: crypte de Sainte Jeanne d'Arc

Today's doorway is the crypt of Saint Joan of Arc church. This bonus photo was e-mailed to me by a faithful VDP follower who lives in Versailles: the palace in the golden morning glow with a rider of the Equestrian Academy riding through the gates!
En bonus aujourd'hui, une photo prise par un fidèle lecteur versaillais de VDP qui m'a été adressée par courriel. Le château tôt le matin avec une écuyère de l' Académie du Spectacle Equestre franchissant la grille de la cour d'honneur.


  1. j'aime beaucoup la compo et surtout la lumiere sur ta deuxieme photo, elle est magnifique

  2. lebendige Geschichte. chapeau.

  3. I'll pass on the crypt...but I'd love to visit the palace looks a bit different than when we were there but they were engaged in renovations at the time. Those front gates were not situated as per the photo. That is a gorgeous shot!

  4. Wow, it's really glowing and hardly any people (that in itself would be devine!).

  5. Love the church entry, but I like the lone rider as well. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Both of these are marvelous, I am always attracted to doorways and the light that captivates the palace is divine.

  7. Nice photos. Nice sunlight in the second photo.

  8. The two photos make quite a contrast. The crypt is spare and cool and the shot of the palace is blazing hot and complex.

  9. Early morning light is fantastic.

  10. I like both photos. The morning glow on the palace is a nice treat. The three times I have been there, we rode the train out from Paris and of course we arrived mid-day, with crowds, etc. It would be nice to see the palace "waking up" in the morning.

  11. 2 grilles , 2 styles, 2 epoques...Jeanne d'Arc(l'eglise!) est perturbante, trop moderne ou pas assez!Ü

  12. Une entrée accueillante...cela donne envie de s'y faire enterrer...

  13. I'm glad there is a horse.

  14. Je croyais que Jeanne d'Arc avait été incinérée ?
    (Les chevaux sont dons admis dans le parc du château. Et les invités sur ton blog)

  15. Bien protegee la crypte!

  16. The doors are open, please come in! The morning light is delicious!

  17. je sais pas si le copyright est correct sur la 2 éme

    et ferme la porte il commence à faire froid

  18. I love Bergson's comment above Ciel, is it really getting cold so quickly over there. Isn't it still Autumn?The second shot brought back such great memories, Aimee and I loved the palace.
    Weren't the Enid Blyton books the best, to me they're a little bit like an older version of JK Rowling's writing today.

  19. Both photos are beautiful. I love the inviting mystery of your photo and the warm, quiet feelings I get from your friend's.

  20. Is it appropriate to say the doorway to a crypt is inviting??? Bottom pic is quite peaceful looking.

  21. Both shots are lovely. Everything looks good at the golden hour. :)

  22. Bonjour ma belle!
    Tu m'as donné la cerise du gâteau aujourd'hui! :)
    Cette photo bonus est magnifique et j'aime beaucoup la histoire de Joan of Arc.
    La porte est si belle!

  23. The first picture is quite interesting, I keep forgetting that Joan of Arc is a Saint... The light of second picture is simply gorgeous!

  24. The light in the second photo is just magical.

  25. Lovely golden glow in that second shot. Your friend was very kind to send it to you.

    I have never been inside a crypt. Hmmm.

  26. «Louis» linked your Wednesday Doorway post to his Monday Doorway post.


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