Friday 28 October 2011

Les vitraux de Sainte Jeanne d'Arc

After the organ, here's the stained glass inside Saint Joan of Arc church.


  1. a different kind of stained glass window...the color is magnificent

  2. I love stained glass but I think I like this better than most religious stained glass I've seen.

    Because it's pattern is scattered and amorphous this glass is more open to interpretation than the typical religious/Biblical pictures. Thus, is more encompassing of all people through all times.

    Now, please don't tell me that these are actually pictures of Mary and the infant. :-)

  3. Not at all what I expected, this is really different, very modern and futuristic.

  4. This looks like a stained glass version of a silicon wafer printed circuit board.

  5. I want one! Well not that big.

  6. I love these too Ciel, not what you'd expect in a church yet welcoming to all!
    I would love to try and get pics of the Queen, but I really don't like being in the middle of mass crowds, and the police are a little on edge, security is so tight, wouldn't like to be 'strip searched' unless I could choose who would do it haha!

  7. Ah ben tiens! justement, ils m'avaient tapé dans l'oeil hier!

  8. I like this abstract stained glass...

  9. C'est joli ! J'aime les couleurs et le fait qu'il est un peu modern. Sympa. :)

  10. L'artiste a ete si bien inspire avec ces vitraux.

  11. Unusual to see circular stained glass -- I like it.

  12. Hi Ciel...hope you had a good day today!

    Question: Who is the "Turner" you mentioned in your comment on Stone Creek?

  13. This is wonderful!
    In the last picture there is a beautiful light with some effect ( natural effect ) and it's awesome!

  14. A beautiful window to see..

    Google Chester Cathedrals stained glass to view my favourite big blue masterpiece...

  15. Different but also wonderfull,

  16. I like how you played with the angles of your shots here.

  17. I'm glad you showed us more of the stained glass. These are unique for being round, as well as the modern glass design.


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