Saturday 6 August 2011

Cochers et calèche près de la gare Rive Gauche

I'm probably blind because I don't see these very often. Parked near Rive Gauche train station.

Je dois être aveugle, parce que je ne vois pas souvent cette scène.


  1. we've taken a carriage ride before. they are nice as they usually tell you the history of the city, or at least the one we went on did!

  2. So beautiful, but we would feel guilty asking a horse to pull the two of us. Maybe a carriage with two horses.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. Oh Ciel! this is a beautiful scene - I would like to hop into one of those lovely carriages and take a tour around Versailles. Just perfect!

  4. Je ne souviens pas l'avoir vu non plus... Une bien belle caleche d'un autre temps.

  5. What an excellent way to take in the beautiful sights of Versailles on a warm sunny day. Gorgeous image Ciel, have a lovely day.

  6. What and interesting carriage. I hope the horses are treated well.

  7. This looks like fun. I see horses and carriages in many cities, but I almost never take the rides. I like walking. (And I am cheap.)

  8. Now that would be a great way to take in the sights. Pretty horse too.

  9. Is this the preferred method of getting from the RER station to the palace? Looks like it would increase the travel costs significantly.

  10. A horse and old-fashioned carriage bring out feelings of romance... and your shot captured it perfectly. I would have thought there'd be lots of these in Versailles... like in Vienna. I think wrong, obviously... LOL!

  11. Do they have to wear "horse nappies"? I like the butchers shop in your previous post. Very often people want to get rid of buildings from the 60's & 70's but they can have a charm of their own.

  12. You must have had a lucky day to find these to picture here. The carriages look strange to me boxes? I suppose it is sad when horse and carriage are not selected to ride to the Chateau. That horse looks a bit dejected to me, with his head down...or am I reading too much into this?

  13. Even for a 'visually challenged' like me, it wouldn't be diffucult to... smell one of these!
    I am glad you catched this one the cart/coach is so elegant and the horse so bulky and composed.

  14. how romantic such a ride would be.

  15. It's very romantic and I think they think about tourists, they should like it a lot, mainly during Summer.

    Here it's raining as well. :(

  16. Tu as du etre bien inspiree ce jour la d'etre sortie au bon moment. Ideale une promenade en caleche pour reperer les environs et y revenir plus tard. Bon week-end!

  17. Do you mean to say you haven't been on a romantic carriage ride for awhile? This scene reminds me a bit of New York's Central Park. A really lovely photo!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. At first I thought you were telling me this horse was blind. I was looking for a seeing eye dog. hahahahaha

  20. Ces calèches sont la classe!
    Bon weekend chez toi!
    Elisa, en Argentine

  21. Anonymous6/8/11 15:13

    The horse is beautiful and the carriage looks like something I'd expect to see in the 1800's, very elegant.

  22. We have them here down on out Plaza area, tourist seem to love them.

  23. Are these for tourists? I really really love the outfit the lady with the blonde ponytail is just doesn't seem to be summer fashion. Is it cold there?

  24. Horses! Horses! You know I love horses. The working horses are so beautiful and I like this one.

    Hey, how are ya doing??? MB

  25. @ Kaori: cold rainy grey, sometimes warmer as in muggy then comes the cold downpour...

  26. How elegant. I like the carriage design very much, Ciel.


  27. That would be a nice way to see the town!


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