Saturday 23 July 2011

Façade de travaux

During some renovation work at the palace, a very nice trompe-l'oeil façade has been put up. These photos were taken on 15 July, the French flag was still flying for Bastille Day.

Pendant les travaux de rénovation au château, une jolie façade trompe-l'oeil a été mise en place. Cette photo a été prise le 15/7, le drapeau flottait encore pour le 14 juillet.


  1. How nice. They don't do that kind of thing here...they just have some ugly scaffolding up for days, months, years!

    Don't y'all fly the French flag all the time like our American "patriots"? ;-)

  2. what fun. such a clever way of pleasing the eye at a construction site.

  3. A very creative way of masking any ugliness of construction! Lovely photos!

  4. So much more pleasant than the plain drapes usually hung on construction scaffolding.

  5. Looks nice. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me at first.

  6. What a treat for the eyes while progress is made! I do wish that we had that creativeness here!


  7. It makes so much sense to cover a building-under-renovation like this when the building is important. I wish it were done more often.

  8. They put a lot of work into that. Very nice.

  9. I love trompe-l'oeil, it can cheer up the worst spots, can't even imagine that happening here with such a big building. The sky in your second shot is fabulous Ciel!

  10. I have seen these all around and some are very nice and almost deceiving.

  11. j'aime bien quand ils font ça, c'est tellement plus sympa a regarder que des echaffaudages infames..

    Désolée pour ton bras, ça doit être plus que fatiguant.. Courage!je suis solidaire!

  12. I agree. A fine idea.

  13. These are very nice and replicate a Versailles scene. Love catching up with you fireworks as I sit in the airport this morning.

  14. Anonymous23/7/11 14:44

    Do the French give lessons? Philadelphia City Hall has has a lovely facade of scaffolding for several years now.

    I think it speaks volumes.

  15. Les trompes l'oeil Parisiens et francais en general sont incroyables, je reste toujours baba devant!

  16. I love the trompe-l'oeil to disguise the work! So much nicer.
    Bon weekend dear Ciel,

  17. This is brilliant! That's nice that they try not to ruin the scenery :D

  18. It's a very nice decoration/cover for work being done. I'm impressed they took the time to make it look pretty.

  19. Looks nice. Usually that happens here when a municipality makes it a requirement prior to construction.

  20. I like the way Europeans use these over-sized paintings to mask construction. I like that they go to such effort to make the setting artful and attractive. In the states the attitude seems all nuts and bolts. Wonderful image today :^)

  21. A wonderful idea...
    Lovely images.

  22. Much better than some old scaffolding!

  23. It all blends so nicely it's hard to tell what is real and what is tromp l'oeil.'s lovely.

  24. Just compare this to the one I posted today! LOL!

  25. Ah, so they do this in Versailles also... I first say this kind of trompe-l'oeil façade in Bucharest. I think you saw my post on that. This is a nice one, indeed.


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