Saturday 4 June 2011


A 1747 balcony in Satory Street.

Balcon rue de Satory.


  1. What a beautiful balcony, with a lovely sky reflected in the window. I also love the round window on the side of the building.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. Tu vas bientôt avoir besoin d'une corde de rappel pour prendre des photos.

  3. Is that the street number of the building or the year this gorgeous balcony was built?

  4. Very nice, cieldequimper, I like your perspective in the first shot. Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Not just the balconies are beautiful, but the windows are just as wonderful. That spot of blue sure sets off that wonderful yellow.

  6. I might like the windows more than the balconies -- very nice.

  7. Wow that is really beautiful.

  8. That balcony is dreamy! I wonder what it looks like inside? BIG Euro pricetag, non?

  9. The perfect place to lean out and enjoy city life passing by.

  10. Beautiful coloured brickwork Ciel, I love when I open up your blog and the music begins, it always makes me start slightly till I realize. You would think I'd be used to it by now haha!

  11. Almost everything is beautiful in this building.

  12. @ Jacob: to the best of my knowledge, there are no streets with a number 1747 in this country. Our streets aren't long enough.

  13. Nice views of the city, I bet. Love the stone color too.

  14. imagine the people who have stood at and looked out that window over the centuries.

  15. Anonymous4/6/11 14:11

    Oval windows make such a statement and are so visually appealing. I like how all of the windows have arched tops. You have such a great selection of subjects!

  16. perhaps you sounded a little surprised, but mostly, as usual, you sounded wise.

  17. I think Romeo is more likely to show up under your balcony than he is at mine! This one's a classic.

  18. What a building corner, love it!

  19. These are gorgeous structures. The second round window looks as if it can be opened. How nice, since usually such an ornate window cannot.
    Also love the pigeon on the ledge.:)

    I've edited my last post to include the names of the flowers. Oops.

  20. Anonymous4/6/11 23:04

    I never thought of short streets. As you know, some streets here run on for miles.

    This is a beautiful building. If one or two windows look this good I can imagine the whole building is special.

  21. Soooooooooo pretty!

  22. What a beautiful building. I like your focus on these, using the tight crop to allow the yellow to fill the frame.



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